Rada tells of Ukraine’s chances to include its gas transport system in the pan-European one

Member of Parliament Hetmantsev: Ukraine now has a chance to include its gas transportation system into Pan-European

Because of the drop in prices for gas on global markets and the abandonment of Russian gas by the majority of European consumers, Ukraine expects to offer European consumers storage in its underground gas storages (UGS) which would allow it to become part of the pan-European gas market, said Daniil Getmantsev, Head of the Verkhovna Rada Tax Committee.

“At the beginning of January, Russian gas supplies to the EU dropped by another 10% – compared to last year’s historical anti-record. However, for us it is… a chance to rebuild our domestic gas transmission system into a fully-fledged part of the pan-European gas market. More than a thousand customers from 26 countries around the world currently store their gas in Ukrainian storages,” Hetmantsev wrote on his Telegram channel.

He noted that since the beginning of the year there has been an increase in interest in Ukrainian underground gas storage facilities, which is explained by lower gas prices, and also by the fact that the EU storage facilities are 80% full.

Hetmantsev also suggested that the Ukrainian gas transportation system (GTS) will look for new directions of development. As an example, he pointed out that gas from Poland is transported through Ukraine to Slovakia, and also recalled that Moldova actively uses Ukrainian UGS to store its own stock of gas and has recently adopted amendments to legislation opening the possibility for all companies to use the backhaul service at Ukraine’s Grebenycka connection point.

“This means opening up opportunities this year for international partners to store their non-Russian gas delivered via LNG terminals in Greece and Turkey in Ukraine, as well as gas from Azeri production,” he summarised.

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