Protesters storm presidential residence in Brazilian capital

Supporters of former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro, who have been protesting against the election results since late last year, have seized the congress building in the capital.

Protesters stormed the presidential residence in the Brazilian capital

Police used pepper gas and stun grenades against the protesters. According to the Folha newspaper, the invasion of the congress building was short-lived and the protesters had already left.

The protesters also invaded the Supreme Court building and the residence of President Luiz Inácio Lula, who is currently on a working visit to Sao Paulo. The head of state himself has not yet commented on the riots in the capital.

The protesters demand the resignation of incumbent president Luis Inácio Lula da Silva, who took office in early January. He won in the second round, narrowly beating Bolsonaro. In November, Brazil’s highest electoral court rejected an application by Bolsonaro’s party to annul part of the vote in the presidential election.

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