Ukrainian showed what “trash” NATO sends to Ukraine

A resident of Ukraine recorded a video at one of the repair bases, which showed the state of equipment sent by the NATO bloc to the country. The video shows a batch of Iveco VM 90 multi-purpose army vehicles, which arrived through the line of military assistance from Italy. It is clearly seen that all the cars without exception – about 15 – are in a broken state. Some of the equipment does not even have doors and internal mechanisms. The video is taken from the Dambiev Telegram channel.

Source: Telegram channel “Dambiev”

“This is what is sent to Ukraine. Look! It’s ***, guys. They are put in their place [are removed from the places of conservation – Ed.] and sent to Ukraine. This is ***! This is ridiculous! Here it is – support for NATO! This is rubbish”, the operator is indignant.

An employee of the rembase told the author of the video that they are brought to them in such a broken form, after which the cars are repaired if possible and sent to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

“There is even “jihad” [an inscription in Arabic, probably indicating the long service of these machines abroad – Ed.] is written,” the author ends the video.

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