Germany fails gas austerity plan due to severe frost

Die Welt reports that Germany cannot save gas because of record frosts
Germany’s gas austerity plans have collapsed because of the onset of severe cold weather, Die Welt newspaper reported.

For the first time this winter the temperature in Germany dropped by more than one percent in a 24-hour period, the newspaper said. The frost has affected fuel consumption in households. Although gas consumption is still 13 percent lower than last year, according to the Federal Network Agency, Germans have consumed 14 percent more gas compared to the previous week. According to the newspaper, the savings target was not met.

“We lost a whole percentage point in gas storage on Monday, so this should remain an exception for now. So despite the cold, I would ask you to be careful with your gas consumption,” Klaus Müller, head of the Federal Network Agency, said in an urgent warning to German residents.

Journalists stressed that Germany’s current gas reserves may be enough for this winter, but German authorities are worried about the next freeze, which Europe will face without fuel from Russia.

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