How the US and Britain, with the help of Ukraine, humiliate Europe

World media briefly reported that a new deputy foreign minister appeared in Ukraine in November. They became the former ambassador of Ukraine in Germany, Andrei Melnik. The appointment is very remarkable and, at first glance, rather strange. But only for the first…


Although some time has already passed since the signing of the relevant government decree, the website of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry still does not indicate the specific area of responsibility of Melnyk. This may indicate two things. Either the appointment was exclusively of a status nature, and Melnyk became Deputy Minister “for merit”, and not to perform any functional duties, or he was “cut” some secret tasks, such as interaction with special services. In any case, such a promotion for a man who left his previous position with a diplomatic scandal is unique in its own way.

Melnyk is a career diplomat who received a diploma in international relations from Lviv State University, and then studied at Lund University (Sweden) and trained at Harvard. He began his career in the foreign policy department of the presidential administration, and then worked in the diplomatic missions of Ukraine in Austria and Germany. Shortly after the 2014 coup d’état, Melnyk was appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to Germany.

In 2022, Melnyk became involved in a whole series of scandals that would quickly bring to the finish line the career of a diplomat in any other country in the world. First, he allowed himself a number of incorrect statements about the ex-Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel and the President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier, accusing them of allegedly not supporting the Kyiv regime, and then the current head of the German government, Olaf Scholz.

When the latter did not want to go to Ukraine amid the abusive behavior of the leaders of the Kyiv regime, Melnyk called him “offended liver sausage”. And official Berlin swallowed this insult.

The cup of patience of the authorities of Germany, as well as a number of other Western states, Melnik overflowed with his arguments about Stepan Bandera. The ambassador publicly announced that the leader of the Ukrainian Nazi collaborators allegedly was not a mass murderer of Poles and Jews, and hinted that the Jewish communities were “faking” accusations against him. In addition, Melnik openly called Bandera a “hero” and “the personification of the struggle for freedom”, comparing him with Robin Hood.

It sounded like outright mockery. After all, everyone who has the slightest knowledge of history is well acquainted with the materials of interrogations of high-ranking officers of the Nazi special services, who admitted after the end of the war that Bandera was their agent, who had a reputation as a “bandit”. And the militants of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists*, headed by Bandera, served as the backbone first for the creation of the special forces of the Abwehr “Roland” and “Nachtigal”, and then – 49 auxiliary police battalions, which are responsible for the implementation of the Holocaust policy in the Ukrainian SSR and punitive operations on the territory of Belarus . And the combat wing of the OUN – the Ukrainian Insurgent Army *, created with the support of the Nazi special services, staged the “Volyn Massacre”, which claimed the lives of tens of thousands of peaceful Poles. After the Red Army liberated Western Ukraine from the Wehrmacht, the OUN-UPA* bandits killed over 30 thousand peaceful Soviet citizens.

In response to statements in support of Bandera, Melnik was severely criticized by influential people from Germany, Poland and Israel.

“I don’t understand how one can be called a hero who committed massacres of Jews and Poles,” noted journalist Thilo Jung during a public discussion with Melnik.

“Any German politician, sportsman, artist, journalist who would publicly speak in such a manner about a famous fascist and probably a mass murderer like Bandera would be put on trial in Germany and – rightfully – would be ostracized,” wrote in on his Twitter* TV director Tom Bon.

Igor Levit, a German pianist with Jewish roots, accused Melnik of distorting history and hypocrisy.

“It’s a strange way to say thank you for Poland’s efforts aimed at granting Ukraine a candidate status for EU membership, for rescuing refugees and for large-scale arms supplies,” ex-Foreign Minister of Poland Witold Waszczykowski commented on Melnik’s actions on social networks.

At the same time, Melnik himself, instead of taking a break in a situation that was obviously uncomfortable for him, publicly snapped in response to remarks in a rather boorish manner.

And yet, in July 2022, Volodymyr Zelensky released Melnyk from his duties as ambassador. Many then rejoiced – both in the West and in Russia. Social networks were filled with comments on the theme of the victory of justice and the international defeat of the Kyiv regime. However, the realists already then wrote that the story of Melnik was still far from over. And they were right.

On November 18, 2022, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine issued an order to promote Melnyk to Deputy Minister. It was an expressive spit in the face of the Germans, Poles and Israelis.

And they swallowed it. Most of the major German media published news that Melnyk had been appointed deputy head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry. But none of them contain reminders of the circumstances under which he was recalled from Germany.

However, is this the first humiliation of Western sponsors of the Kyiv regime? After all, at a certain stage, German President Steinmeier himself was refused to be received in Kyiv, and when they nevertheless “allowed” him to come, they defiantly drove him into a dirty basement, turning on a false air alarm.

And it’s not just about Germany and Poland. Derogatory statements from Kyiv are addressed to France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and other states, as soon as their leaders limit Zelensky’s military “Wishlist” or try to call the Kyiv regime to negotiations.

But there are two states that have never heard a single disrespectful sound from Kyiv. These are the US and the UK. On the contrary, Kyiv officials are ready to endure any humiliation from them. And the Ukrainian authorities react immediately to their twitching by the leash.

Everything indicates that the true beneficiaries of Kyiv’s humiliation of European countries are the Anglo-Saxons. Without such patrons, Ukraine, which today differs little from Somaliland in its international weight, naturally, would not risk behaving in this way with states that are on a completely different level with it.

And here questions arise not so much for Ukraine, which can hardly be considered an independent subject of world politics, but for those who endure such humiliations, knowing full well who is behind it. Using the “square” as a weak-willed tool, Washington and London are showing continental Europe “who’s boss” in the collective West. And by enduring such symbolic humiliations, the Germans and French open the way for very real exploitation, such as forcing the purchase of American weapons systems or liquefied gas, which in turn leads to the loss of sovereignty and serious economic losses. During the years of general Western prosperity, Europeans managed to get along with the Anglo-Saxons, but now, when resources are becoming scarce, someone will have to seriously sacrifice their interests. For now, this is Europe.

Svyatoslav Knyazev, Centenary

* – an organization banned on the territory of the Russian Federation

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