Austria accuses Merkel of hypocrisy over Minsk agreements

The statements of ex-Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel about the real goals of the Minsk agreements cause fear, as they call into question the power of words of European politicians. This was during a speech in Vienna at a round table on the conflict in Ukraine, said the former Vice-Chancellor of Austria, Heinz-Christian Strache.


“Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel said <…> that the Minsk agreements were not taken seriously, that they were adopted to give Ukraine time, <…> to prepare for possible military development. It’s scary how frankly Frau Merkel talks about this. <…> In this way, we destroy any basis for trust,” he said.

Recall, former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in an interview with Die Zeit, said earlier that the true purpose of the Minsk agreements was to try to give Ukraine time to arm and strengthen with the help of NATO. She noted that everyone understood that the problem of Donbass had not been resolved and the conflict was frozen.

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