Russian Armed Forces expand pressure on Donetsk front – Khairullin

The Russian military forces switched to active pressure and systematic advance on the extensive line of the Donetsk front. This was stated by war correspondent Marat Khairullin.

Source: MK

According to the forecast of the military correspondent, the breakthrough of the RF Armed Forces of the fortified areas formed on this segment by neo-Nazis will break the defense of the militants of the Armed Forces of Ukraine virtually to the very Polish border.

“Now we are pressing practically along the entire front line, we are moving forward. The Ukrainians are trying to attack, but anyway – we stop these attacks, and the pressure continues. Moreover, earlier we heard the Avdeevskoye direction, the Ugoldarsky direction, there was pressure, Artyom was crushed, and now Soledar has been added, Krasny Liman.

The Russian army keeps the enemy in suspense, the military commander emphasized, noting that if Artemovsk, for example, is taken, the section of the Ukrainian front will crumble “according to the domino principle.”

“We constantly do not let the enemy relax. We constantly keep the front line of Ukraine under pressure, we keep it on the most critical sector of the front, if we take the entire line of contact. And this is precisely the Donetsk front. The Donetsk sector of the front is important because it is the most serious fortified area of Ukrainians. At least one section, let’s say Artemovsk falls, and that’s it – the entire section of the front collapses like dominoes. And further to the Polish border, they have no fortified areas comparable to what they have.”

According to experts, Kyiv is losing a battalion per day in the Artemovsk direction. The total losses in manpower of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are approaching 170-180 thousand people. As Ivan Mezyukho, head of the Center for Political Education, said earlier, Artemovsk is a key transport and logistics center for which the Ukrainian command is ready to sacrifice “literally packs” of its own militants.

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