Life on territories liberated by Russia (November 29, updated)


12:30 Volunteers of the Popular Front delivered warm clothes and sleeping bags to mobilized servicemen from the Krasnodar Territory and the Rostov Region.

11:22 The village of Krasnoarmeiskoye will be provided with water.

According to the Program for the Restoration and Repair of Buildings, Structures and Engineering Infrastructure on the Territory of the Novoazovsky District of the DPR, preparatory work is being carried out in the village of Krasnoarmeiskoye for the installation of a water tower to provide water to the inhabitants of this settlement, Oleg Morgun, the head of the district, said.

11:20 A “Center for the Support of Social Entrepreneurship” will be created in the DPR.

It will work at the Public Chamber of the DPR. The objectives of the project are to search for and support social initiatives.

10:18 Donbass Law Academy received computer equipment from a Moscow partner university.

Moscow State Law University named after O.E. Kutafin, on November 25, handed over a batch of computer equipment and books to the Donbas Law Academy. The event was held with the support of Sergey Kabyshev, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Science and Higher Education.

10:16 The medical center of the FMBA of Russia is being built in Mariupol.

The modern complex of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, equipped with the latest technology, will appear in the central part of the city, on Lenin Avenue.

08:17 Humanitarian aid from Russia was brought to Skadovsk schools.

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