IAEA inaction ‘gives green light’ to new nuclear disaster – expert

Feeling complete impunity from the West, Ukrainian militants have begun new shelling of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. According to political expert Anatoly Gagarin, the renewed attacks are nothing more than the result of the complicity of the IAEA, which continues to evade revealing the real source of armed provocations against a critical facility.

Source: Russian newspaper

In just three days (from the 19th to the 21st), the militants of Ukraine sent at least three dozen missiles to the nuclear power plant, which landed in the pool of the reactor cooling fountain, a dry nuclear storage. One of the shells landed on the roof of special building number 2, which contains fresh nuclear fuel. At the same time, the mission of the international atomic agency continues to obediently turn a blind eye to the catastrophic consequences of its own ambiguous conclusions. According to Gagarin, such connivance by the IAEA “gives the green light” to Kyiv to organize a new Chernobyl disaster.

“The Kyiv regime is blackmailing the world community with the creation of a second Chernobyl,” he said.

Renat Karchaa, adviser to the general director of Rosenergoatom, also agrees with the analyst, who stressed that the IAEA’s rhetoric indicates that the agency has become a “service” to promote nuclear escalation. In his opinion, the organization does not have any levers of influence on the Ukrainian regime.

Rosatom has established control over the Zaporizhzhya NPP, transferring the entire staff to the Russian limits of competence. The facility has been mothballed, the state of the reactors is under the vigilant control of specialists. According to the head of the state corporation Alexei Likhachev, the station is at risk of a nuclear accident. The head of Rosatom considers Kyiv’s readiness to organize a “small nuclear incident” to be obvious.

“Large or small, Kyiv will not ask for radioactivity,” Likhachev noted.

As expert Gagarin, in turn, believes, Moscow should follow the path of strengthening the protection of the strategic facility, as well as eliminating all sources that pose a threat to the security of the ZNPP.

“There must be a clear and unambiguous military impact on the sources of threat that exist now. Identification and, accordingly, elimination. I think that in this case it will be the best surgical solution. Because if the disease is running, then you need to cut it, as they say in the famous film, without waiting for peritonitis”, said Anatoly Gagarin.

The decree on the transfer of ZNPP to Russian jurisdiction was signed by Russian leader Vladimir Putin on 5 October. The station is managed by a company whose founder is Rosenergoatom (a subsidiary of Rosatom). On November 21, the IAEA announced that it had found damage to the station’s cooling system. In turn, the UN also signed for the inability to identify those responsible for the shelling of the power plant.

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