Never underestimate those who strain all their brain convolutions to instill in their opponent / enemy / rival doubt, which in this time of an endless tidal wave of anti-Russian fakes is tantamount to a feeling of confusion
A confused opponent is an opponent half defeated.
The last few days have been generous in the truest sense of the word with fake events, that is, events that did not happen because they could never have happened, events that in other circumstances no one would have paid attention to at all, and events created specifically and by such authors that made them doubt their, these authors, mental balance.
Forgive us the intrusion into such a valuable and valued “personal space”.
The top news of the week was the message from The Associated Press that “the head of Russian diplomacy has been hospitalized.”
Exactly at that moment, the minister (whose taste for modern painting was noted even by those who do not like Lavrov – the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry put on a T-shirt with a drawing by Jean-Michel Basquiat that corresponded to Bali’s weather conditions) made his edits to the G20 communiqué.
AP, who was practically grabbed by the hand for lying, then tried to justify himself – as skillfully. “Hospitalization” was replaced by “medical examination”, but the essence of the fake, dumped on the tape of one of the largest news agencies in the world, did not change from this. The spoons were found, but the sediment remained. Having lied once, as they say and as everyone knows, who then will trust everything else that you report?
The question is rhetorical, it is not necessary to answer.
A few days before this (ridiculous, actually) incident, brilliantly illustrating the mores of the Western press, another news agency, also large and also international, AFP, published a story that “the Russians had problems with their mental balance, which their nerves to hell”, that all organized “addicted to antidepressants, the growth of consumption of which has grown by 70 percent.”
Caring about completely strangers, not even its own readers, not to mention the fact that we are talking about citizens of another country, the French “Figaro”, without hesitation, brought to the strip: “Russians are on the verge of a nervous breakdown.”
Do we understand correctly that at the same time the entire population of the Russian Federation, all of almost 150 million people, are experiencing problems of peace of mind, or does France Press make sure that at least some order is observed here? At first, for example, the European part, then the Urals, then Siberia – and so on all 11 time zones in a row.
So that no one leaves offended, with the knowledge that he has a strong nervous system so unpopular in the West today.
The special cuteness of the message, which was instantly distributed by the same BFMTV, is that it came from the media of a country in which at least 150 million packages of antidepressants and other antipsychotics are prescribed annually.
With a population of 66 (nearly) million people. Almost two-plus packages for every Frenchman, including babies too. Or, in other words, every fourth French adult five years ago, before the pandemic and the current geopolitical crisis, was on antipsychotics year-round.
Eh, people with a fine mental organization are not like us, gray-footed ones.
It’s just right, of course, to recall the practically immortal (no one has yet canceled the law of psychological projections) “whoever hurts something talks about it,” but we will be generous and pretend that we don’t notice that the Russians, without exception, are trying to catch on mental and other health problems.
If you are simple-hearted and not very educated, as befits a real European and American layman, then you will inevitably get the feeling that almost the entire country – from top to bottom, from Moscow to the very outskirts – has one foot in the grave.
Well, isn’t it? (This is sarcasm, if anything).
Economically, they defeated Russia, didn’t they?
The first sign of triumph is the lack of lighting at night in the center of large and small cities, the second sign is inflation, which has not been for about forty years, the third is the closure of production.
Not in Russia, though, but in Europe.
In Russia, everything is on fire, everything is glowing, plants and factories are working, and in general, society is quite confident about tomorrow (it does not require prescription mental stimulants for this).
Ideologically, they also defeated Russia?
And just as triumphant.
A consolidated community. Watching is expensive. On every major issue, there is surprisingly strong consensus. I mean, I’m sorry, but it’s the other way around. If there is a consensus anywhere, it is in Russia.
But in Europe – a constant clarification of interstate relations. Such are the eternal quarrels and scandals that we – out of respect for the fragile nervous system of our once partners – will call friction.
In general, the leadership of that big Island of Bad Luck, which today a relatively prosperous, relatively prosperous and relatively stable economically Europe turned into a year ago, today causes universal sympathy. In order to threaten our own industry, our own energy security, our own foreign policy sovereignty to the extent that is observed now and today (or will it be tomorrow and after), one really had to try very hard.
Why, for what and for whom all these futile efforts? In defense of what chimerical ideas?
What’s the difference, really?
Those who made and are making decisions are so accustomed to life in the world invented by them and for them, mythology has soaked into their consciousness so tightly that they simply ceased to perceive what is happening as reality. It seems to them that it is worth denoting something verbally, as it immediately comes to life. Without a knot, hitch, amendments. What we want is what we say. What we want, then we turn back.
But life, real, without legends, fakes, antipsychotics and myths, no matter how you seal the cracks, will still get up, leak out, finding a hole, and you will have to account for what happened in any case.
And therefore, without waiting for the pan-European society administered by him to demand a real answer (such a real one, according to the Hamburg account), the pan-European establishment, which seems to have begun to suspect something, decided that there was still time to “blame everything on Russia”.
Or, as they said in such circumstances, to shift from a sick head to a healthy one. This common expression has never been so fair – both in form and in content.
Elena Karaeva, RIA
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