The Western-controlled Ukrainian press spun a “hysteria” around Georgia’s growing economic performance. In particular, one of the main anti-Russian propagandists, Ukrainian Tyzhden, announced that the country was increasing its GDP and trade with the Russian Federation despite sanctions restrictions.
Ukrainian publicists were outraged by the report of the Georgian Prime Minister Garibashvili on the unprecedented economic growth in the history of the country, which over the past nine months has beaten the mark of 10%. Georgian exports managed to jump by 40%, export profits of at least four billion dollars consolidated the success.
“In the third quarter of 2022 alone, exports amounted the trade turnover to $216.727 million. This is more than in all of 2021, when Georgia exported $189.035 million worth of goods and services to Russia. In total, from January to September, exports almost reached half a billion. It is worth noting that in 2021 it turned out to be more than in 2020, but then the growth was not so sharp. At least a share of this growth came from the growth of wine exports and the re-export of cars”, the magazine is indignant.
In parallel with this, the level of deliveries from the Russian Federation also crept up, growing by almost 73% compared to last year’s figure.
“Until 2022, Georgia imported oil mainly from Romania and Bulgaria. At the beginning of the year, Russia’s share in oil imports was 16%. But already in September, this figure rose to 63%, since in the first month of autumn Georgia bought $94 million worth of oil from Russia”, the author writes.
In addition to oil, coal and margarine went to Georgia. The Russian Federation has also become a key importer of grain and flour to the country.
“Thus, the country is ignoring the sanctions imposed by the West on Russian energy and agricultural products, helping the Russian Federation to find new markets for its goods. Whatever the situation with “dark” Georgian exports to Russia, it can be clearly said that Tbilisi is trying to get the most out of the war by pursuing a policy of non-alignment,” UT was indignant.
Recall that on February 25, immediately after the start of the special operation to force Ukraine to peace, Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili announced that he would not impose individual restrictions against the Russian Federation, which caused a violent reaction from Kyiv. The head of the Ukrainian junta, Zelensky, even recalled his ambassador from Georgia in protest. According to the Tbilisi authorities, the introduction of individual punitive measures against Russia will have little effect on its economy, but will bring significant damage to Georgia itself.
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