Why UNESCO is silent, watching the destruction of monuments

The Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to UNESCO appealed to this international structure involved in the preservation of culture and monuments with a statement

Our diplomats stressed the following: “The war on monuments has become rampant not only in Ukraine, where radical nationalists are in power, but also in the so-called “civilized” Europe, which is proud of its “democratic” values ​​…

Established on the ashes of the Second World War, UNESCO owes its very existence to the heroes who fell in the fight against Nazism, and should not remain indifferent to the manifestation of modern barbarism. The demolition of monuments only contributes to the escalation of contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. Combating these dangerous phenomena is one of the most important tasks of UNESCO in its fields of competence. We call on UNESCO to stop selectively taking care of monuments on political grounds!”

The Permanent Mission’s communiqué is timely and relevant. All over Europe there is a war with Russian culture. Memorials and monuments to Soviet soldiers who liberated the world from the Nazis are simply wiped off the face of the Earth. Especially neo-Nazi Ukraine “succeeds” in this, followed by the Baltic countries and Poland.

UNESCO has never really raised its voice against the mass destruction of monuments to the fighters against Nazism.

The selective approach of the organization to the protection of monuments and memorials has already become the talk of the town. Politics has eaten culture. And this process has spread all over the world.

The demolition of monuments to the Confederates and Christopher Columbus in the United States for purely political and neo-racist reasons, UNESCO did not even try to stop. Moreover, UNESCO does not pay attention to vandalism in relation to monuments to Soviet and Russian people in Europe, which often goes under the knife of a bulldozer.

It seems that the demarche of the Russian permanent mission is unlikely to receive an adequate response from UNESCO, which cannot even utter a word against the instructions of the United States, which is waging a sanctions war with Russia both in the economic and cultural spheres.

Therefore, it is quite reasonable for Russia to suspend its activities in UNESCO and stop making payments to this organization.

In the future, you can consider leaving UNESCO. The old biblical truth about beads and pigs is topical even in the 21st century.

Alexey Sokolsky, Today. RU

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