US military equipment is rapidly aging, while the Chinese army is actively arming – 19FortyFive

The United States military deterrent is failing, while the Chinese army is getting stronger. This is reported by the publication 19FortyFive.


The publication notes that the technical decline of the US Army is due to economic reasons, including largely the lack of margin. This leads to a situation where the troops are not modernized enough. As a result, the average service age of aircraft used by the Air Force is 29 years. The article emphasizes that this comes as the US should help Taiwan by providing more munitions to potentially defend the island.

Simply put, Taiwan needs to be turned into a ‘porcupine’ and, learning from Ukraine, we should provide Taiwan with all the asymmetric capabilities it needs to prevent invasion, such as sea mines and coastal defense cruise missiles.

We will remind, earlier in the publication The National Interest came to the conclusion that the United States will be forced to reduce the supply of weapons to Ukraine in order to prevent a military catastrophe in the Taiwan Strait.

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