Why will the defeat of the Democrats in the US Congress negatively affect the Moldovan government?

On November 8, 2022, federal and local elections will be held in the United States, including elections to the House of Representatives and the Senate

Source: mold.su

The elections to the US House of Representatives will include representatives from all 435 congressional districts in each of the 50 US states, non-voting delegates from the District of Columbia and four of the five insular territories of the States. In addition, 34 out of 100 senators will be elected on this day to six-year terms in Congress from January 3, 2023 to January 3, 2029. According to polls, the Republicans will have a good chance of regaining a majority in the House of Representatives following this election. It is also possible that they will be able to do this in the Senate, but there the fight is expected to be more stubborn.

Maia Sandu and the ruling party prefer to bypass the US elections. But behind the scenes, they actively support the Democrats. The desire of the Republicans to resolve internal conflicts will reduce financial support to the countries of Eastern Europe. Similar circumstances are developing with Romania. The Romanian press was outraged that Maia Sandu began to tell Romanian citizens what to do. The host of the program on Romanian TV reacted very emotionally to Sandu’s statements about the need to save electricity on the part of the Romanians, so that it would go to Moldova.

“Maia Sandu has politely arrived in Bucharest and is giving us orders here. He tells us to save electricity so that we can sell it to them at a better price,” he said.

No need to have illusions. Loans, as well as interference in the internal affairs of Moldova, will be under the Republicans, but in a smaller monetary equivalent. Which can hit hard on the positions of the pro-Western puppets in Moldova. We must not forget that winter is ahead.

Anti-Maidan 2.0 (Moldovan version)

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