The USA: split goes not along state borders, but along cities, districts, families

Americans vote for civil war

© AP Photo / Andrew Harnik

The midterm elections in the United States, the official date of which is scheduled for November 8, are already in full swing. People vote by mail, vote early, many millions of ballots have already been collected.

A characteristic feature of the current elections is that everyone is dissatisfied with their results in advance. Republicans believe that the Democrats will falsify the results and again, as in 2020, “steal the election.” The Democrats are afraid that the Republicans will think that the “election was stolen”, organize an armed rebellion and recount the results, as they need, at gunpoint. In general, any result will not be accepted by as much as half a country.

There are rumors all over the country that the elections were “hacked” in advance and the results are already a foregone conclusion. The government denies the rumors, but no one believes it.

Scandals in the elections have already begun. Worst of all is the notorious mail-in voting. In real life, it looks completely antediluvian. There is a mailbox on the side of a deserted highway – no guards, no voter verification systems, nothing. It is assumed that a citizen throws his ballot there, passing by in a car. But who and what actually throws it there – only local eagles soaring high in the sky above the desert landscape know about this. Moreover, it is not known what is done with these ballots at the polling station, who and how they receive, count and define them. This is an opaque procedure.

In the 2020 presidential election, it somehow surprisingly coincided that the vast majority of mail-in ballots were cast for Biden. Why this is so is a mystery. Republicans are sure that there were frauds at all stages. Democrats innocently roll their eyes: according to their version, the most progressive voters vote by mail, naturally, they voted for Biden, and what did you want?

Postal voting was introduced under the pretext of coronavirus lockdowns. Well, the lockdowns are over, it would be possible to take this format and cancel it. But Americans are not looking for easy ways. Voting by mail started again: and as soon as it started, violations began.

In Pennsylvania, for example, 250,000 ballots were sent out to voters who did not verify their identity. Now they will be filled in by whoever and who knows how, and sent to the polling stations. Theoretically, such ballots should not be counted until the voter somehow confirms his identity. But at the state polling stations they said that they did not have time to check everyone, and there were not enough employees.

Characteristically, Pennsylvania is ruled by Democrat Gov. Tom Wolfe. This kind of thing is very typical for democratic states. In fact, the authorities in them use the administrative resources in favor of the Democratic Party, but everything is framed as innocent and inevitable overlays: oh, it all somehow happened by chance.

Or take those wretched Dominion vote counting machines. In 2020, they magically counted all ballots in favor of Biden. The system was compromised in the most shameful way. Why wasn’t it replaced? But no, the Dominion machines purchased by Obama, to which Americans are already simply allergic, will count votes in these elections as well.

In theory, the Democrats in these elections to Congress and the Senate are doomed. To be honest, nothing can stop the Republican candidates from winning. But it was the same story with Trump in 2020. He was a clear favorite, but the Democrats tweaked something there, cheated, counted – and oops, Joe Biden entered the White House.

Now that the Democratic Party has even more massive administrative resources, the Republicans expect even more large-scale stuffing and falsifications. On the ground, citizens are called to protect mailboxes for voting from stuffing, sign up as volunteers to monitor voting and counting ballots. These activists have organized the Stop the Steal group on Telegram and are coordinating actions on the ground through it.

However, these are all separate private initiatives – while the Democratic Party has long put the falsification of elections on the conveyor.

American legislation itself interferes with an honest count of votes. It is as if deliberately arranged so that it would be easier for those who wish to cheat. And no matter how much they correct it, it becomes all “weird and strange.”

Let’s take a warm in-person voting. You came with your feet, showed your passport, they found you in the database, you signed for the ballots and filled them out according to your own understanding. Well, that is how it is in Russia. How about in the USA?

And there, for a long time, almost everywhere you could just come, take a ballot and put a tick. Without a passport, without any kind of identification. Democrats from every iron broadcast that asking for an ID from a voter is simply insulting. This is, they say, racism, sexism, fascism. We have seen the results. God knows who and how many times voted for Biden, but tens of millions of Americans did not believe in the honesty of his elections.

Realizing in 2020 that their political rivals had democratized the electoral process to the point of complete obscenity, Republicans in their states tried to somehow tighten the screws. Such novels, surprising for Americans, were introduced, such as the need to present an identity card at the station, and even with a photograph. It was a complete break in the mold. Representatives of the Democratic Party called the Republicans neo-fascists for this.

However, the newfangled idea of ​​verifying the identity of the voter was never completed. There are many loopholes in the legislation. They vary from state to state, but they have the same essence: if you really want to, you can vote without an identity card at all. In many states, a ballot will be given out for nothing if, for example, you say that you are not allowed to be photographed because of religious beliefs. In Indiana and Tennessee, Native Americans can vote without an ID. In South Carolina, anyone who has “reasonable reasons” for not having an ID.

At almost any polling station, you can get a “preliminary ballot” – you fill it out without documents, but it is taken into account only after you still bring an identity card. But what if the voter does not bring the document? Who will guarantee that his “preliminary ballot” will not be taken into account?

In 2020, monitors trying to oversee the ballot count were chased away and beaten up by gangs of racially correct “activists”. Employees of the election commissions tightly locked the doors and lowered the blinds so that no one would see how they counted the same ballots several times. Will it be possible to follow this process today? Yes, many polling stations organize streams that will cover the process of counting votes live. Voters are registered in teams of observers.

However, they are trying to establish some kind of order only in the republican states. In those that are controlled by the Democrats, the entire election procedure is purposefully sharpened for stuffing and “carousels”. They do not check the identity of voters, do not control who comes to vote from other states, encourage illegal immigrants in every possible way to vote, in general, they do everything to “please the native little man” – in the sense of the candidate from the Democratic Party.

As a result, Republican observers in California claim that stuffing and fakes are already in full swing. Electoral commissioners are unlocking. The Republicans are trying to storm the polling stations, the employees call the police and declare the volunteers as extremists. Polling stations are surrounded by police barriers and bulletproof glass is inserted into the windows. Election commissioners are regularly attacked by angry citizens.

The political struggle in America is increasingly reminiscent of fighting without rules. This is by no means a metaphor. Republicans and Democrats are fighting in the polls in all seriousness. Armed to the teeth, activists guard mailboxes from ballot stuffing. Polling stations are being attacked in different parts of the country. It blazes so hot that the flames of civil war are already reaching the very top.

More recently, someone hammered the husband of Congress Speaker Nancy Pelosi with a hammer so that the unfortunate old man ended up in the hospital. Pelosi is one of the most unpleasant people in the Democratic establishment, her husband quite openly earns dividends on her insiders, many do not like them, but still this bloody crime shocked America.

Paul Pelosi is never a politician – he is just her close friend. However, apparently, the attacker, who shouted “Where is Nancy?” during the beating, was taking revenge on the speaker of the US Congress for some political reasons.

Even in gangster circles, they try not to touch the families of competitors. American politicians have long tried to look better than gangsters. But today the country seems to have returned to the days of the Wild West.

Pelosi’s condolences were expressed even by her sworn rival Donald Trump. It can be understood. With so many wives, children, grandchildren, getting involved in the political struggle in America today seems an incredibly dangerous undertaking. The clashed sides seem to show each other today what awaits them: in the coming massacre, they will not spare even innocent relatives.

A year ago, when discussing the possible collapse of the country, the Americans believed that it would break up into red republican and blue democratic states. Reality turned out to be more complicated. Political activists who feel they are in the minority behave most aggressively. The Republican minority is booming in Democratic California. Democratic activists specially come to conservative states and hooligans there. The split does not go along state borders, but along cities, districts, families.

Political activists unite with militias – armed associations of citizens. Military analysts seriously discuss when the army will enter a civil conflict and how it will behave in this case. Meanwhile, according to the most conservative estimates, about 400 million firearms have accumulated in the hands of the population. Tension hangs in the air, breaking through daily with mass executions. Siloviki warn Americans of an unprecedented explosion of violence during the elections.

“Since when has politics turned into a bloody fight?” American journalists ask themselves. They should be asking themselves if this fight will turn into a full-fledged civil war? November 8 is approaching – the red day of the calendar.

Victoria Nikiforova, RIA

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