Inflation rate in Moldova rises to 38% in Moldova – deputy

For a year already, Moldova has had the highest inflation in Europe, which the Moldovan authorities do not talk about. This was stated in an interview with Sputnik by the deputy of the Moldovan Parliament from the BCS bloc, Bogdan Tsardea.

The MP compared inflation rates in European countries and in Moldova, noting its catastrophic value for ordinary citizens of the republic.

“In October, its figure rose to 38%. In Germany, the panic is already at 10%, people are running to hide their deposits, and we have more than 30% all the time – just awful. And some say that these figures are actually underestimated. Consumer inflation really skyrocketed. Gas increased 7 times, electricity – 2 times, building materials by 300/400%. Even in Ukraine, two dozen eggs cost 17 lei (measured in Moldovan currency), while we have 35 lei. At the same time, there is no armed conflict on our territory,” said Tsyrdya.