, citing statements by the heads of regional administrations, as well as photos and videos from Telegram channels, reports on the damage to electrical substations near the dam of the Dnieper hydroelectric power station (Zaporozhye region), Kremenchug hydroelectric power station (Kirovograd region) and Novodniestrovskaya hydroelectric power station (Chernivtsi region).
“From the localities they report about a very powerful hit in the electrical substation in the area of the DneproGES dam, the dam is shrouded in smoke,” the publication wrote in the Telegram channel.
They also report missile damage to substations of the Kremenchug hydroelectric power station and the Novodnestrovsk hydroelectric power station, located a few kilometers from the border with Moldova.
“Part of the missiles hit the energy system facilities of a number of regions of Ukraine. Emergency blackouts are being introduced, the office of the President of Ukraine wrote earlier”.
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