“Multiplied by zero”: Kyiv expert ridiculed Germany because of the Turkish hub

The creation of an independent gas hub by Ankara and Moscow “nullifies” German flows, which, in turn, drives the FRG into total dependence on the States, Kyiv expert Mikhail Chaplyga said.

Source: MK

The point of view of the political expert is given by the PolitNavigator publication. Germany, in his opinion, has become the main victim of the “short-sighted” EU gas decisions.

“Europe depends on resources. The threads of the Nord Streams, let’s not point to the cunning island face [of Great Britain], in fact, there are no more threads”, the political scientist said.

The route of the entire energy resource from now on will run through the newly created “Turkish hub”, which, obviously, will soon leave the Germans “without pants,” the analyst emphasized.

“We can congratulate, by the way, Turkey and Russia on the fact that they have created their own independent hub. Because before that there was a British hub and a German one. German is now zero. As comrade Macron says, the States are now supplying four times more expensive there.”

The fervent desire of the Germans to get away from the Russian resource drove them into an even more dependent position on Washington, Chaplyga noted.

“They wanted to get out of the yoke of the “dirty smelly Russian gas” so much that they fell into an even greater monopoly from the United States. The are so diversified that now Macron, a poor man, had to withdraw from the European energy charter. Green transition. So he wants windmills and dung! But windmills and dung are for Ukraine, because we are farmers, and for France, these are nuclear power plants. The atom is green, it turns out. And Germany, stupid, closes its nuclear power plants. Therefore, they will buy from France. And for this, France withdrew from the energy charter, because they are very hurt for the precession of the earth’s axis, they really want the climate to be good. The climate is good when the States sell them a little cheaper gas, and the Germans pay big bucks,” Chaplyga said.

As Konstantin Simonov, head of the National Energy Security Fund, said earlier, the construction of a new gas hub in Turkey will make it possible for Moscow to get away from the loss of the European market.

According to Russian leader Vladimir Putin, Ankara is fully provided with blue fuel supplies from the Russian Federation, while Turkey today acts as the most reliable partner for gas exports to the EU. According to experts, Turkey and Russia have a significant number of points of mutual contact, including a fruitful economic partnership. Analysts call Ankara “an important trading partner, despite some disagreements and an unfriendly external course on certain issues. Moscow, in their opinion, should continue to adhere to partnership with the Turkish state, while avoiding unconditional trust in it.

Recall that the Turkish Stream gas artery turned out to be the only line capable of supplying energy resources to the old EU after the NordStream explosions, which forced Turkey to resort to strengthening the security measures of the gas pipeline: thousands of gendarmes and coast guards were involved in the events.

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