The British are illustrating the demise of the current model of capitalism

Western countries are now experiencing a moment (interesting for an outside observer, but unbearable for participants) when the painted screens of parliamentary democracy are breaking into rubble, and the monster of class war is crawling out of it.

Source: © AP Photo / Matt Dunham

After all, the spectacle of parliamentary democracy rested on the middle class, and it is now sentenced and dying in convulsions.

The process is especially clear in the UK. The island is simply doomed, it seems, to be a model of the wildest capitalist experiments. Either “sheep eat people”, then Greta Thunberg takes up arms against them.

Teachers complain that children in English schools are starving en masse and are forced to steal food and chew erasers in order to somehow deceive the stomach. This is not surprising. According to official figures alone, 4.3 million British children live in poverty – in families where, in Newspeak, they regularly “skip meals.”

Teachers are asking the government to provide free food to all schoolchildren, otherwise charitable organizations can no longer cope. But the government is not up to it. They’re in the middle of an epic battle for 10 Downing Street.

They made a scapegoat out of Liz Truss, sending her into retirement. During her 44 days as prime minister, this woman managed to carry out tax reform, cancel tax reform, arrange financial chaos and bring down the British pound – one of the world’s reserve currencies. For this, she will be paid a state pension until the end of her days – more than six hundred thousand rubles a month with their money.

Her comrades in the Conservative Party fought for the post of prime minister. Boris Johnson promptly interrupted his vacation in the Caribbean. As soon as he arrived in London, he called Rishi Sunak, the former Minister of Finance, to his place at night and conferred with him for three hours.

Sunak worked for a long time for the legendary American bank Goldman Sachs – this forge of personnel for all European governments. His wife is the heiress of an Indian oligarch, and evil tongues say that she frankly paid for her husband’s surprisingly quick rise to political Olympus. Sunak is the flagship of a large Indian business, which has long been eyeing interesting opportunities in the former metropolis. Today, it has the support of most of his fellow party members. And Sunak, unlike wahlak-Johnson, always looks great and knows how to wear expensive suits.

On the other hand, the German aristocrat Boris Johnson has always been able to sell himself to the English people. He traded Brexit very successfully, urging citizens to be patient a little longer, and then he will make a deal with the EU – and the economy of Foggy Albion will immediately boom. It never happened, but the citizens, mesmerized by the glib Johnson, endured many things, including the economic downturn.

At the same time, it is his elegance and fortune of 730 million pounds that play against Sunak – “he is too akin to Goldman Sachs worker”, the popular opinion says. However, if anyone can compete with Johnson, it is he.

According to rumors, on the night from Saturday to Sunday, Johnson invited Sunak to form a tandem. Like, Johnson will return to the post of prime minister, and Sunak will be appointed finance minister. The combination was not without meaning. The deep folk have not lost faith in Johnson, and Sunak is the most skilled economist in the Tory party.

However, as the British tabloids stated on Sunday morning, during the heated nightly discussions, “the couple did not manage to agree.” Didn’t bargain, to put it bluntly. Now Sunak will run for the post of British Prime Minister, and Johnson…

The unpredictable Boris messed up again. According to him, he collected 102 nominations from parliamentarians. This gave him the opportunity to participate in internal party elections. However, late Sunday evening, he suddenly announced that he was withdrawing his candidacy. To say that everyone was surprised is an understatement. This is a complete sensation.

Johnson himself explains his decision to discord among the conservatives: he supposedly realized that he would not be able to unite the party, and loudly slammed the door. It seems that the real reason is different – the crisis that is tearing apart England is growing into real chaos. Any sane politician in such a situation would prefer to run away and hide on the principle of “do not stand under the arrow.”

Candidates for prime minister must submit applications for participation in the internal party elections by two o’clock in the afternoon in London on Monday (that’s four in Moscow). Each candidate must receive at least 100 nominations from Conservative MPs. There are 357 Tory deputies in the English parliament. This means that, in addition to Sunak, two candidates can theoretically enter the battle.

However, the third candidate simply does not physically have time to collect a hundred votes. So the only alternative to Sunak is Penny Mordaunt, leader of the House of Commons, Lord Chairman of the Council and ex-Minister of Defense of Great Britain.

Mordont is a girl from a very difficult family who has held the highest positions in the country for generations. Her grandfather was a Viscount, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Lord Privy Seal and a close friend of Queen Mary, wife of George V. Her grandmother, an active socialite and political star, ran the BBC and the Royal Opera. The general public remembered Mordont for her participation in the popular TV show “Splash!”, during which VIPs and celebrities jump from a tower into the water. Here you can see how epic she flops her stomach.

But despite all the family ties, the fact that she is a woman will play against Mordont. Sorry, of course, for such sexism, but it seems that Liz Truss closed her sisters on the floor to Downing Street for a long time. The second such beauty England will not endure.

The election of a political leader in the “world’s oldest democracy” is paradoxical. People are simply not allowed to them. You never know what they pick up. The party comrades will vote for the prime minister’s candidacy.

Most likely, the candidacy of the prime minister will be determined during the voting of 357 parliamentarians from the Tories – it will be in its purest form an elite cabal. If they do not agree, an online vote will be required – all members of the Conservative Party, with a total of about two hundred thousand people, can take part in it. This is a tiny fraction of a percent of the country’s population. But it is a very rich share.

Not later than October 28, the good English people will be presented with their new leader. It will be either a super-rich Indian, or a representative of the hereditary British elite, who received all her positions practically by inheritance. Any of them will serve the interests of big global capital.

But maybe this is exactly what the good English people want – to increase the margin of Goldman Sachs? No, the ratings say something completely different. To date, support for the Conservative Party has fallen to 27%. Labor’s rating at the same time soared to 46%.

In the view of English citizens, Tories are big and very big business, old and very old money, mansions in Belgravia, a chateau in Provence, expensive suits, predatory and ruthless globalist capital. It is no coincidence that Liz Truss began her career as prime minister by lowering taxes on the wealthy – it was an obvious gift to her party comrades. The short story was canceled, but the sediment, as they say, remained.

The British see perfectly well that the unknown fathers of global capital are going to arrange a real famine for them on the island. Naturally, they want “more socialism”. Arrange early elections in England now, and the mass of the people would vote for the Labor Party. But who will let him?

And in a seemingly developed country, we see pictures in the spirit of the failed states of the third world. Disadvantaged people who have nothing to feed their children take to the streets to protest. At this time, their super-rich fellow citizens, representing super-large capital, are fighting for the supreme power in the country. Moreover, it is clear to everyone that this capital plans to survive precisely by ruining the shirnarmass in Britain and everywhere it can reach.

What can Russia expect from the new Prime Minister of England?

Rishi Sunak, who has become a virtually uncontested candidate, has not marked any anti-Russian rhetoric and seems to be inclined towards pacifism. According to his mind, he really should take care of the economy and try to at least slow down the country on its way to the abyss. Yes, the Indian nouveau riche would like to develop cooperation with Britain, but for this they need a rich Britain, and not the Victorian horror with hungry children that is developing there now. Sunak has led the country well through the coronavirus crisis. Today, the same is expected of him – to resolve economic problems, to prevent a full-scale catastrophe.

However, how many politicians have we already seen who came to power with some slogans, and once in office, instantly changed their shoes. Especially in Britain. They call Sunak – or whoever will be in his place – from Washington, and he will salute him.

The main lesson from the British chaos is that the capitalist model does not really work. And dying in convulsions, along the way, it demolishes the entire model of government. After all, the chaos that Truss left behind is a full-blown managerial chaos. The former British empire, a nuclear power, the oldest democracy, and so on, and so on, look like a typical failed state today, in which it is not clear who is responsible for what, who manages what, but all together, fun, roll into the abyss. Though external control enter.

Looking at this agony, it’s hard not to agree with Putin: “The existing model of capitalism has exhausted itself.” Thanks to the British, they clearly illustrate this process. Russia should also consider where to the wild capitalism leads.

Victoria Nikiforova, RIA

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