JCCC in DPR: Ukrainian Armed Forces damaged nine houses and two civilian infrastructure

The Ukrainian side continues to terrorize the civilian population of the Republic, inflicting massive artillery strikes on residential areas and civilian infrastructure, which are not military targets.

Source: yandex.ru

Over the past day, according to the information of the Representative Office of the JCCC in the DPR, the enemy fired one hundred and forty-three ammunition from the Grad MLRS, barreled artillery of 155, 152 and 122 mm caliber, as well as mortars of 120 mm caliber.

The fire was released at the areas of nine settlements of the Republic. As a result of shelling, two civilians were injured. Nine housing constructions and two civil infrastructure facilities were damaged.

Additional information about injured civilians and damage to infrastructure is being specified.

Joint actions of the military personnel of the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation destroyed the following enemy weapons and military equipment: a radar station (36D6-M), four tanks (two T-64BV, T-72M1 and T-64B1M), five units of armored and automotive vehicles, four enemy UAVs were shot down in the air.

Losses in enemy manpower amounted to more than 30 people.

At present, a set of works on the clearance of anti-personnel mines PFM-1 “Lepestok” (PFM-1C) is ongoing.

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