Military journalist Podolyaka appreciated the attempts of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to break through the defense in Kherson

Military journalist and blogger Yuriy Podolyaka called “groundless” the alarm of experts regarding the increased activity of Ukrainian militants in Kherson, Zaporizhia and other directions of the Russia’s special operation, noting that attempts by the Armed Forces of Ukraine to break through the defense line of Kherson are suffering a crushing defeat, writes the Economics Today publication.


As the speaker noted, at the beginning of the month, Ukrainian military forces made attempts to attack Russian positions, but the strikes were not particularly powerful. Russian troops are completely defeating Ukrainian units, causing enormous damage to the enemy in the form of losses of manpower and military equipment. In the Kherson region, the situation became the most tense for Ukrainian nationalists.

“On the Kherson direction, they had an attempt at a serious breakthrough on Saturday. Nowhere they could not advance at all, they suffered very serious losses – about two dozen armored vehicles, several infantry companies – and rolled back to their original direction. And today, our drones were seriously working on them – as I understand it, in the morning they eliminated for another group of people who wanted to participate in this experiment to capture Kherson”, Podolyaka said.

At the same time, as Podolyaka notes, the militants are given the direct task of “returning” the lost region “at any cost.” Meanwhile, Russian units continue to be actively replenished with personnel due to the arrival of reservists called up as part of the partial mobilization and numerous volunteers. The integration of new arrivals, according to the journalist, is quite successful.

“Obviously, the enemy was given the command to go to Kherson, to try at any cost, regardless of losses, to capture it. Nevertheless, there were reports on Friday and Saturday that our rather large reserves had come into place. Our reserves are suitable for all directions. Everything is going according to the best scenario – the mobilized ones are merged into the existing divisions, they are distributed, in fact, among combat veterans and will quickly adopt the methods of modern warfare,” Podolyaka said in the Big Game program.

Recall that earlier Podolyaka announced the start of a new stage of a special military operation: the partial mobilization announced by Russian leader Vladimir Putin, according to the expert, is actively moving into the phase of real hostilities. According to official data provided by the Russian Ministry of Defense, about 200,000 reservists have already been called to participate in mobilization in Russia, and after combat coordination they will go to the special operation zone.

Zelensky’s office, according to Podolyaka, has already begun to get nervous about the upcoming changes, which will not be long in coming. In addition, Podolyaka drew attention to the abnormally bad Ukrainian weather conditions that contributed to the success of the Russian army – torrents washed out the routes, creating many obstacles for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which allowed the Russian Armed Forces to gain time while waiting for reinforcements.

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