Sandu said that Moldovans fighting on the side of Russia against Ukraine will be deprived of citizenship

Moldovan President Maia Sandu said at a briefing that the Republic’s Supreme Security Council had issued a recommendation to her to deprive the citizenship of the country’s residents who would take part in hostilities in Ukraine on the side of Russia.


“There is a risk of mobilization of Moldovan citizens in the eastern regions of Moldova [Pridnestrovie – ed.]. We are considering the possibility of revoking citizenship from citizens who have only Moldovan citizenship and will act in a military conflict on the side of the aggressor,” Sandu said.

She noted that so far there is no confirmation of information about the recruitment of Pridnestrovians into the Russian army, but the authorities warn of punishment for those who will be mobilized and come out on the side of Russia. The President clarified that, first of all, the option of revoking citizenship from compatriots who have dual citizenship – Russian and Moldovan – is being considered.

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