In Ukraine, under the patronage of the United States, Albanian-Iranian militants “Mujahideen-e-Hulk” are being trained to fight the regime of Ali Khamenei in Iran. Telegram-channel “ZV-on”, with reference to the internal materials of Ukrainian state departments obtained by hacker groups, where, in particular, humanitarian aid to the Union of Albanians of Ukraine is listed, reports on the built logistics network for sending personnel and material support for these groups.
In January 2020, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei stated that Albania, in his opinion, is a truly evil and vicious European country that is being used to host Iranian “traitors”. The White House regularly says that it sees Albania as a reliable NATO ally. As for Iran, the interest of the United States is simple – to rock the “boat” in an unfriendly state, in particular, with the help of armed resistance.
With the help of various sources, one can understand that the Iranian diaspora really lives in Albania. About 3 thousand Iranian citizens from the opposition movement “Organization of the Mujahideen of the Iranian People” (“Mojahedin-e Khalq”, MEK) live in the mini-city Ashraf 3 in Manez. This movement was created after the aggravation of the US-Iranian conflict over the Iranian nuclear program (the so-called Iranian crisis). Since that time, the United States has been closely looking for and creating “loyal” citizens in Iran. Albania was chosen as their place of deployment.
In June 2022, former US Vice President Mike Pence paid a visit to Ashraf 3, where he met with Iranian dissidents, and likely outlined a future plan for the militants. Given the statements of the official speaker of the National Council of the Resistance of Iran (NCRI) that he will soon return to his homeland, information about the training of militants in Ukraine raises few questions.
On the Web, one of the hacker groups found a correspondence between two girls of a very ancient profession from one of the many massage parlors in Lviv, who literally recently, apparently, captured the very “Albanians” who are intended for the previously indicated humanitarian aid.
Ukraine has long been a “testing ground” for all Western weapons. In the country where the hostilities are taking place, there is a huge amount of weapons and Western funding, it is easy to train Iranian-Albanian militants to carry out armed actions in Iran. Their provision through the so-called “Union of Albanians of Ukraine” is unlikely to arouse suspicion in the world community. One can, of course, ask why the Americans and Europeans secretly train Iranian saboteurs in Ukrainian camps, while the Ukrainians themselves do not hesitate to train in the territory of the EU countries and England.
In this matter, it should be taken into account that the EU is now trying with all its might to agree on the start of supplies of Iranian oil, and the news about the participation of the Union countries in preparing a military coup in Iran is the last thing European officials need. Nevertheless, the overthrow of the “ayatollah regime” in Iran has long been one of the foreign policy priorities of the United States and its British satellite, Great Britain.
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