LDPR military summary: situation on contact line (September 23, updated)

Source: dnr-news.ru

21:29 Ukrainian troops fired at Gorlovka at 20.25, five rockets were fired from the BM-21 Grad, the DPR representative office in the JCCC reports.

“Fishes were recorded from the side of the VFU in the directions … the settlement of Gorlovka (Nikitovsky district): 5 rockets were fired from the BM-21 Grad,” the message of the representative office in the Telegram channel says.
It is also noted that at 19.55 Shirokaya Balka was shelled, Ukrainian troops fired five shells of the “NATO” caliber of 155 mm.
20:25 As a result of the shelling of the settlement. Frontier with the use of the American MLRS M142 HIMARS (in total, the enemy fired 6 missiles of the M31 GMLRS type), 2 apartment buildings were damaged.

19:32 Statement by the official representative of the NM DPR on the situation at 19.30 on 23.09.2022

Over the current day, according to information from the Representative Office of the JCCC in the DPR, the enemy fired more than fifty rounds of ammunition from tanks, cannon artillery with a caliber of 155, 152 and 122 mm.

The fire was fired at the areas of six settlements of the Republic. As a result of the shelling, one house building was damaged. Additional information about the injured civilians and damage to infrastructure is being specified.

The complex of works on demining anti-personnel mines PFM-1 “Lepestok” (PFM-1S) is ongoing.

19:11 Servicemen of the Military Commandant’s Office of the LPR took part in the Referendum on reunification with Russia.

19:11 The consequences of the shelling by Ukrainian militants of the Petrovsky district of Donetsk.

18:50 APU is shelling the Petrovsky district of Donetsk.

18:31 Shelling was recorded from the side of the armed formations of Ukraine: – 17.45 a.m. Alchevsk with the use of MLRS HIMARS (6 missiles). Information about the victims and damage is being specified. Representation of the LPR in the JCCC.

18:16 On the first day of the referendum, Ukrainian troops vilely shelled the peaceful city of Stakhanov.

18:11 It is reported about the alleged arrival at the hospital on Gagarin (Alchevsk). The information is being specified.

18:08 On the operational lines of the DPR JCCC for September 23, additional information was received about damage as a result of shelling of the Ukrainian cities of the Republic:

Donetsk (Petrovsky district):

– st. Art. Schipacheva, 10 – apartment building;

The transformer substation is de-energized, 2100 household subscribers are without voltage.

Information about the consequences of shelling continues to arrive.

18:05 Kyiv fired 18 HIMARS missiles on the territory of the republic on the first day of voting in a referendum in the LPR, the Russian ambassador said.

18:00 The Armed Forces of Ukraine strike at Abakumov’s charge in the Kirovsky district of Donetsk. The fire is carried out from NATO artillery with a caliber of 155mm.

17:58 Ukrainian Nazis are shelling the Petrovsky district of Donetsk. Recorded hit in a residential building.

17:53 On the first day of voting in the referendum, Donetsk was fired upon already 12 times, firing more than 50 shells.

17:37 “Malki” and “Tulips” of the Allied Forces on guard of the referendum. During the referendum on the entry of the DPR into the Russian Federation, the Allied Forces are actively using the most powerful artillery systems to suppress the occupying forces of Ukrainian nationalists.

Artillery mounts of high power – 240-mm self-propelled mortars 2S4 Tyulpan and 203-mm cannons 2S7M Malka cover the inhabitants of Donbass with their fire, preventing the nationalists from disrupting the voting process at the referendum.

17:35 Shelling was recorded from the side of the armed formations of Ukraine: – 16.50 a.m. Svatovo with the use of MLRS HIMARS (6 missiles). Information about the victims and damage is being specified. Representation of the LPR in the JCCC.

17:10 Servicemen of the NM DPR, who are at the front, took part in a historic referendum. Today, September 23, 2022, is a historic event for Donbass. Today started a referendum on the entry of the DPR into Russia. For 8 years, the servicemen of the People’s Militia of the DPR defended the right of the inhabitants of Donbass to self-determination, and this day has come. Even being on the line of combat contact, the fighters take part in the historic vote. Field election commissions come to the front line so that every defender can vote for the return of Donbass home.

16:30 JCCC DPR recorded shelling from the AFU in the direction:

-16:02 — n.p. Orlovka – Donetsk (Kyiv district): 3 shells fired with a caliber of 155 mm;

-16:25 — n.p. Orlovka – Donetsk (Kyiv district): 3 shells fired with a caliber of 155 mm.

15:18 Fixing the consequences of the shelling of the Kalininsky district of Donetsk 22.09.2022

Military experts of the DPR JCCC confirmed the shelling of the Kalininsky district of Donetsk, using artillery of 155 mm caliber, and also specified the direction of firing. Thus, the VFU fired from the direction of their positions located in the area of ​​the settlement. Kamyshevka.

It has been established that the shelling of the Kalininsky district of Donetsk by the VFU was carried out using weapons supplied by NATO countries.

10:35 Statement by the official representative of the People’s Militia of the DPR on the situation at 10.30 09/23/2022

The Ukrainian side continues to terrorize the civilian population of the Republic, inflicting massive artillery strikes on residential areas and civilian infrastructure, which are not military targets.

Over the past 24 hours, according to the Representative Office of the JCCC in the DPR, the enemy fired two hundred and ninety-seven pieces of ammunition from BM-21 Grad multiple launch rocket systems, tanks, cannon artillery with a caliber of 155, 152 and 122 mm, as well as 120 mm mortars.

The fire was fired at the areas of seven settlements of the Republic. As a result of the shelling, seven civilians were killed and eight were injured. Fifteen housing constructions and five civil infrastructure facilities were damaged. Additional information about injured civilians and damage to infrastructure is being specified.

Joint actions of the military personnel of the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation destroyed the following enemy weapons and military equipment: one artillery mount, two armored personnel carriers, one truck with ammunition. Losses among the enemy personnel amounted to more than 30 nationalists.

At present, a set of works on the clearance of anti-personnel mines PFM-1 “Lepestok” (PFM-1C) is ongoing.

10:00 Statement by the official representative of the LPR People’s Militia, Captain Filiponenko I.M. as of September 23, 2022

Over the past 24 hours, during the active offensive operations of the units of the People’s Militia of the LPR, the enemy suffered heavy losses in manpower and military equipment. The following are destroyed:

– up to 50 personnel;

– 4 tanks;

– 2 armored personnel carriers;

– 9 units of special vehicles.

The enemy continues shelling civilian infrastructure facilities in LPR settlements.

Over the past day, the armed formations of Ukraine fired at the settlements Novoaydar, Lisichansk and Gorskoye using the American M142 HIMARS MLRS, firing 18 missiles.

As a result of shelling in settlement Novoaydar, a warehouse of the Lugansk Republican Special Medical Supply Base of the LPR was destroyed,  storage facilities, a hangar and an official car on the territory of the rescue city fire service were damaged.

Since the beginning of the current day, Ukrainian troops have been shelling settlement Stakhanov using the American MLRS M142 HIMARS, firing 6 missiles. Information about the victims and damage is being specified.

Peaceful life is being restored in the territories of the Luhansk People’s Republic liberated from Ukrainian nationalists: engineering and sapper units of the People’s Militia of the LPR continue demining. During September 22, they cleared more than 9 hectares of territory from explosive objects left by Ukrainian nationalists in the areas of Krasnorechenskoe and Baranikov settlements.

The forces of LPR People’s Militia, together with public organizations, deliver humanitarian aid to residents of these areas. Also, representatives of the Popular Front, with the support of the People’s Militia of the LPR, delivered humanitarian aid to needy residents of the village of Zheltoye.

09:15 Ukrainian militants opened fire on the Kalininsky district of Gorlovka. Arrivals of enemy shells are recorded between the residential area “Solnechny” and the village of the mine named after Rumyantsev, according to the mayor of Gorlovka Ivan Prikhodko.

09:10 Consequences of the shelling of the Nikitovsky district of Gorlovka.

09:08 Consequences of the shelling of the Armed Forces of Ukraine of the Kalininsky district of Donetsk.

09:02 Shelling was recorded from the side of the armed formations of Ukraine: – 06.15 a.m. Stakhanov using MLRS HIMARS (6 missiles). Information about the victims and damage is being specified. Representation of the LPR in the JCCC.

08:42 Calculations of the Grad MLRS are conducting a fierce counter-battery fight against Ukrainian militants shelling the Donbass. Shells hit command posts and fortifications, areas of concentration of forces, artillery and mortar batteries of the enemy.

08:13 Over the past day, from 08:00 on September 22 to 08:00 on September 23, as a result of shelling by the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the territory of the Donetsk People’s Republic, 7 people were killed and 8 more civilians were injured.

08:01 During the day, 7 people were killed on the territory of the DPR, 8 more were injured. Over the past day, from 08:00 on September 22 to 08:00 on September 23, 7 people were killed and 8 more civilians were injured as a result of shelling of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the territory of the Donetsk People’s Republic.

07:08 During the day, there were 4 shellings in the LPR: Novoaydar, Lisichansk and Gorskoe. Everywhere MLRS M142 HIMARS – 18 missiles of the M31 GMLRS type; In the run-up to the referendum, both the spread and frequency of shelling increased. They hit residential and social facilities – they intimidate, Rodion Miroshnik reports.

07:06 Military correspondents of the press service of  DPR People’s Militia and soldiers of the commandant’s office rescued a wounded woman in Krasny Liman.

As a result of artillery shelling of Krasny Liman by the Kyiv regime, a civilian was wounded. Thanks to the timely assistance of the doctors of the commandant’s regiment and war correspondents of the press service of the People’s Police DPR, her life was saved.

07:00 Summary of the Representative Office of the LPR in the JCCC for the past day, September 22. From the side of the armed formations of Ukraine, 4 shellings were recorded on the settlement Novoaydar, Lisichansk and Gorskoye using the American M142 HIMARS MLRS (18 M31 GMLRS missiles). As a result of shelling in settlement Novoaydar, a warehouse of the Lugansk Republican Special Medical Supply Base of the LPR was destroyed, storage facilities are damaged, as well as a hangar and an official car on the territory of the rescue city fire service. This is reported by the Representation of the LPR in the JCCC.

06:47 Volunteers of the seaside battalion “Tiger” together with the marines of the Pacific Fleet are fighting for the liberation of the DPR.

05:48 In the Luhansk People’s Republic, specialists from the International Mine Action Center have begun to survey polling stations for the presence of explosive objects intended for holding a referendum on the region’s accession to the Russian Federation.

Sappers check not only the premises of polling stations, but also the territory adjacent to them. Service dogs are widely used to search for explosive objects.

In the course of their work, IMAC specialists use the latest equipment, including a mobile demining engineering complex and microvideo cameras that allow them to inspect hard-to-reach areas of premises, ventilation and air conditioning systems.

In a short time, sappers will have to inspect 10 districts of the LPR, where more than 150 polling stations will open.