LDPR military summary: situation on contact line (September 21, updated)

Source: radiosputnik.ria.ru

13:47 Shelling was recorded by the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the direction: settlement Orlovka-Donetsk (Kyiv district): 3 shells with a caliber of 155 mm were released.

13:23 For 8 years in the Donbass, more than 15 thousand people were killed. And still daily people die under bullets. The bill of war crimes of Kyiv against the population of Donbass is maintained by the Investigative Committee of Russia. The cynicism of the Ukrainian Nazis is amazing, with whom they destroy civilians, including children, women and the elderly.

13:18 Due to the shelling from the ukronacists, the 31 transformer substation is de-energized. Without electricity, the housing estate “Komsomolets”, the villages of Kurgan. Additionally, the destruction of residential buildings at the addresses: st. Shakhty, 10, 12.

13:16 The consequences of shelling by the armed formations of Ukraine of the village Troitskoye (LPR). According to the updated information, a peaceful resident born in 1950 was injured in the end of the shelling, an apartment building was partially destroyed, 4 apartment buildings, a TV tape and a dairy, were damaged.

13:05 Shelling from the Ukrainian Armed Forces side was recorded in the directions:

settlement Dyleevka – settlement Gorlovka (Nikitovsky district): 8 shells with a caliber of 122 mm;
settlement Krasnogorovka-Donetsk (Petrovsky district): 4 shells with a caliber of 152 mm were released.

12:24 On the operational lines of the DPR, for September 21, information was received about victims among civilians in the cities of the republic:

settlement Gorlovka (the village of Mine named after N.A. Isotova):

– A woman born in 1957 was wounded.

Additional information on damage was received as a result of shelling of Ukrainian Armed Forces of the cities of the republic:

settlement Makeevka (Central-Gorodskaya district):

– st. Dneprovskaya, 10 – the fence is sunk, the car is damaged.

Settlement Gorlovka (the village of Mine named after N.A. Isotova):

– st. Yakuba Kolas, 1 – private residential building is damaged.

11:50 Makeevka was again shelling. Today, September 21, Makeevka was subjected to the next artillery shelling by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The Central-Gorodsky district suffered. There are destruction in a private house on Dnieper Street. The gates were damaged, the floor on the balcony, the car was injured in the defeat zone. The power line is cut off, as a result of which there is no energy supply.

11:40 Shelling from the Ukrainian Armed Forces side was recorded in the directions:

settlement Friendship – settlement Gorlovka (village of Izotov Sht): 6 shells with a caliber of 152 mm were released;
settlement Dyleevka – settlement Golmovsky: 5 shells were released with a caliber of 152 mm.

11:32 “Western warrants are direct accomplices, authors and directors of war crimes against the people of Donbass. Both Germany and France, and the rest of NATO countries know exactly that large -caliber weapons supplied to Ukrainian militants are used not to protect the territory of Ukraine, but purposefully against the civilian population of Donbass”, Denis Pushilin on the Russia24 television channel.

11:06 “There is no doubt that the Ukrainian side will try to strike where it can. Our adversary is absolutely cynical and understands only the language of force,” the Head of the DPR on possible provocations by Ukrainian militants during the referendum in the Republic and the need to strengthen security measures on voting days.

10:20 Shelling was recorded from the side of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the direction: settlement Krasnogorovka – Donetsk (Kirovskiy district): 3 shells of 152 mm caliber were fired.

10:07 Shelling was recorded from the side of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the following directions:

settlement Dyleevka – settlement Gorlovka (Russian Territory): 6 shells of 152 mm caliber were fired;

settlement Orlovka – settlement Mineral: fired 3 shells of 155 mm caliber.

settlement Friendship – settlement Gorlovka (village of Izotov sh-ty): 11 shells of 152 mm caliber were fired.

09:09 Daily official summary of the DPR JCCC from 06:00 September 20 to 06:00 September 21

Over the past day, the Representation reported 50 facts of firing by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

In the Donetsk direction, the enemy used – 152 mm artillery, tanks, 120 mm mortars.

On Yasinovatsky – artillery 155 and 152 mm.

On Gorlovsky – artillery 155 and 152 mm.

Having fired 184 units of various ammunition.

Under enemy fire were areas of eleven settlements of the Republic: the capital city of Donetsk (Kirov, Kyiv, Kuibyshevsky and Petrovsky districts), Golmovsky, Zaitsevo, Gorlovka, Panteleimonovka, Yasinovataya, Mineralnoe, Yakovlevka, Kashtanovoe, Makeevka (Kirov district), Aleksandrovka.

Over the past day, information was received about the wounding of 6 civilians in the Petrovsky, Kuibyshevsky and Kirovsky districts of Donetsk, as well as in the previously liberated Novoandreevka.

21 housing construction in the Kirovsky and Kuibyshevsky districts of Donetsk, Gorlovka, as well as 2 civil infrastructure facilities are damaged.

In the previous day, 60 shellings were recorded from the side of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

08:50 As a result of the night shelling of the Petrovsky district, a man born in 1963 was injured — Kulemzin.

08:00 Shelling from the side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was recorded in the following directions:

settlement Novgorodskoye – settlement Gorlovka (Nikitovsky district): 5 shells of 155 mm caliber were fired;
settlement Novgorodskoye – settlement Gorlovka (Tsentralno-Gorodskoy district): 7 shells of 155 mm caliber were fired;
settlement Georgievka – Donetsk (Petrovsky district): 6 missiles were fired from the BM-21 Grad.
settlement Dyleevka – settlement Gorlovka (Nikitovsky district): 15 shells of 122 mm caliber were fired;

settlement Dyleevka – settlement Gorlovka (Tsentralno-Gorodskoy district): 8 shells of 152 mm caliber were fired.
settlement Novgorodskoye – settlement Panteleimonovka: 6 shells of 152 mm caliber were fired.
settlement Orlovka – Donetsk (Kyiv district): 3 shells of 155 mm caliber were fired.
settlement Krasnogorovka – Donetsk (Kirov district): 3 shells of 152 mm caliber were fired.
settlement Orlovka – Donetsk (Kyiv district): 4 shells of 155 mm caliber were fired.
settlement Dyleevka – settlement Golmovsky: fired 6 shells with a caliber of 152 mm;
settlement Orlovka – Donetsk (Kyiv): 3 shells of 155 mm caliber were fired.

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