How the United States is trying to undermine Russian-Chinese relations

The SCO meeting in Samarkand at the top strengthened its reputation as a more fair model of world order, an alternative to the Western one

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The strategic partnership of Russia and China – two large and influential in military-political and economic terms world powers – remains the necessary prerequisite for the sustainability of the SCO.

In this sense, the conversation of Russian President Vladimir Putin and the chairman of the PRC Xi Jinping on the sidelines of the SCO fully met expectations. From the last meeting of leaders in early February, during the opening of the Olympics in Beijing, many events occurred, requiring discussion and coordination of positions.

The Ukrainian crisis that determines largely the topic of the dialogue of the two leaders as a private manifestation of the general strategy of the West to restore its hegemony. In the context of the systematic violation by the USA of the principle of “one China”, Beijing is interested in the rich Russian experience of confronting such attempts. The transformation of the Kyiv regime actually into a collective US mercenary in the fight against Russia shows an algorithm by which the Joe Biden administration will aggravate the Taiwanese crisis.

China emphasizes the traditional friendly atmosphere of the meeting. PRC Chairman Xi Jinping confirmed that since the beginning of this year, China and Russia have been supporting effective strategic relations; Beijing will cooperate with Moscow to provide strong mutual support on issues related to each other’s main interests.

Chinese experts note that against the backdrop of a trusting Russian-Chinese strategic partnership, the United States is actively trying to discredit cooperation between the two countries. Before the Ukrainian crisis, the United States and some Western countries tried to quarrel China and Russia, fearing the rapprochement of the two countries. With the beginning, attempts were added to this to contrast the Russian Federation and China to the rest of the world.

In the USA and in Europe, close and comprehensive Russian-Chinese relations represent as a kind of anti-Western and anti-American military union; Moscow and Beijing are attributed to the “creation of a new world order”, “undermining American democracy”. China support the ideas of a multipolar world, the condemnation of the US hegemonic ambitions is falsely interpreted, as an ignoring Beijing of the tragedy of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict with all its victims.

In order to contain the PRC, the United States is trying to intimidate the “Chinese threat” of their European and Asian allies and force them to “hellish” sanctions against Beijing according to the same scheme as in relation to Russia. In this regard, Chinese experts pay attention to the fact that Beijing will counteract the West attempts to “connect China and Russia into a political and military bloc and drive a wedge between them and the rest of the world.”

China believes that the current Sino-Russian relations have their own development logic, since they proceed from the national interests of both countries. This is not a reaction to the efforts of the United States to contain Russia and China and, moreover, the answer to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Like the Russian Federation, the PRC supports independent diplomacy and opens against block confrontation in interstate relations.

After the meeting of two leaders in Samarkand in the United States, signs of cooling between Russia and China began to seek out. It is interesting to observe how, in an attempt to give the desired for the real one, some American experts saw them in the mention of the President of Russia “the concern of Chinese friends” by the continuation of the Ukrainian crisis.

However, in the West, two key points are ignored for the correct assessment of Russian-Chinese relations in the context of current events. Firstly, the Chinese side expressed concern about the transition of the crisis to the hot phase at the beginning of the Russian its own and at the same time, with understanding, reacted to the motives of Russia. As a result, the fundamental neutral position of the PRC to the situation around Ukraine has not changed since then, remaining the same in Samarkand.

Secondly, Russian president himself repeatedly spoke about the tragedy of the Ukrainian crisis, when the efforts of the Biden administration multimillion-dollar population of Ukraine turned out to be a hostage to its aggressive anti-Russian course, and Russian-Ukrainian relations came to a dead end.

Therefore, in the PRC they highly appreciated the understanding of the Chinese neutrality in the Ukrainian crisis and the simultaneous support of the principle of “one China” with the condemnation of US provocations in the Taiwan Strait. Influential Chinese experts note the objectivity of the judgments of the President of Russia about China’s balanced position in the Ukrainian crisis, which reflect the Chinese-Russian comprehensive strategic partnership.

His constancy is convincingly evidenced by the continuation of joint military cooperation. On the eve of the SCO meeting in Samarkand, the second joint Russian-Chinese naval patrol in the Pacific Ocean began. Shortly before this, the Russian Far East took place with the Strategic exercises “Vostok-2022” with the participation of NAK.

The US attempts to seize the SCO members among themselves and to contrast it with individual participants in the world community only increased their vigilance. And the failure of American attempts to undermine the strategic interaction of Russia and China creates the conditions for the further development of the SCO.

Victor Pirozhenko, Izvestia newspaper

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