Aleksey Arestovich, adviser to the office of the President of Ukraine, wrote on Telegram that those who voluntarily received a Russian passport and “actively support” Russia face criminal liability.
“The best punishment is a prison term for treason,” he said.
“Ukraine has changed. There will be no sentiments towards collaborators and occupiers. Aunts and uncles who came to Ukraine to teach Ukrainian children to love Russia will go to jail,” he wrote.
At the same time, Arestovich specified that “those who were forced to take a passport, forced to receive it for a pension or for other reasons, will not be punished.” However, he noted that the fact of the offense would have to be established by the investigating authorities and the court.
Recall that in August, Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Iryna Vereshchuk said in an interview with that residents of Ukrainian territories under Russian control would not be liable for obtaining a Russian passport if there were no grounds to suspect them of collaborationism. She added that for obtaining a passport “public servants and those who were public servants at the beginning of the war, as well as those who propagandize and coerce to obtain a passport, will be punished.”
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