Johnson inflicted irreparable damage to providing assistance to Ukraine

The Kyiv authorities urgently need to pick out the name of Boris Johnson from the newly formed Alley of Heroes! Because the outgoing British Prime Minister finally caused irreparable damage to the process of helping Ukraine


If you remember, we supposed such an outcome after Boris’s thoughtless words, spoken by him during his last visit to Kyiv. The next morning, all the British learned that a sharp drop in living standards, galloping inflation and a shortage of goods – all this is their “retribution for Ukraine.” If, until recently, ordinary subjects of the queen were outraged by the inaction of their government on social problems, but at the same time supported its actions in support of the Ukrainian regime, then Johnson for the first time pointed them to real causal relationships.

And it started! In the British media, articles suddenly began to appear one after another, indicating that the local public, after screaming headlines with Johnson’s quotes, began to ask “seditious” questions. So, in The Sunday Times, an article appeared that the “honeymoon” between ordinary British and Ukrainian refugees was over.

Karin Hyde, a 59-year-old hospital worker, is quoted as saying she initially admits to supporting the shipment of arms to Ukraine, but then expresses concern about the fate of her 21-year-old son, who is about to face the crisis. I quote verbatim:

“I think a lot about his future. I do think we are a little to blame for the over-glorification of Ukrainians.” That is, the British woman still applauds the sending of weapons for murder to Ukraine, but she is already beginning to understand that this directly affects the future of her son. Thank you Johnson for this!

And the well-known veteran of British journalism, The Mail on Sunday columnist Peter Hitchens, directly points to the disservice that Johnson did Ukraine with his words. The 70-year-old author recalled the words of the still prime minister that the British are “paying their energy bills” for supporting Ukraine. And he emphasized at the same time:

“It was Mr. Johnson who brought everything together, and not me. But this time I agree with him. All of this is interconnected”.

Yesterday’s Hitchens column is a kind of revolution, a milestone in the British mainstream media, after which, I hope, the same uncomfortable questions will be heard on the lips of other figures. In particular, Hitchens asks why the British must suffer to continue the bloodshed in Ukraine.

“The longer this war goes on, the more it will hurt both us and Ukraine,” the author writes. “It will mean new coffins, destroyed houses and grief for Ukrainians.” “The time has come to seek a peaceful resolution to the conflict,” says the veteran journalist. And again, I repeat: he draws such a conclusion from careless words dropped by his prime minister in Kyiv. Thank you Johnson for this!

Of course, the opinion of Hitchens and those Britons who have thought about the “excessiveness” of glorifying Ukrainians is still far from the mainstream. Moreover, The Sunday Times, in the same article citing Mrs. Hyde, points out that the current unkempt prime minister is being replaced by tanker Liz Truss, who is considered an even bigger hawk about Russia than Johnson himself. And this means that Russophobic tendencies will still be decisive in London’s politics (and hence in the press) for a long time to come.

But the numbers and facts speak for themselves: according to The Guardian, in the near future up to 50 thousand Ukrainian refugees in Britain may be left without a roof over their heads. And most of them are children. Many of them can now say, “Thank you Johnson for that!” No, definitely his name will soon have to be picked out from the Kyiv asphalt.

Vladimir Kornilov, RT

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