Russian Defense Ministry: Ukrainian strikes on ZNPP aimed at causing local nuclear accident

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation held a briefing regarding the situation around the intensified shelling by the armed forces of Ukraine on the territory of the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP). During the briefing, Igor Kirillov, head of the RKhBZ troops, said that, according to the defense department, the Ukrainian authorities, together with Washington, purposefully plan to cause a local accident at the ZNPP.

The United States is the ideological inspirer of Ukrainian gifts for the ZNPP, the Russian Defense Ministry reports. The US is trying to provoke a minor accident at a nuclear power plant, thereby disrupting the normal and safe operation of the nuclear power plant. The blame for this is supposed to be laid on Russia, the Russian Defense Ministry said. Earlier, the Ukrainian side has repeatedly stated that the Russian military is attacking the plant, and Russian heavy weapons are being deployed on the territory of the nuclear power plant to shell Ukrainian army facilities.

“We are ready to present to the IAEA real images with very high resolution, a sample is posted on a slide, which shows that weapons, especially heavy weapons, are not placed on the territory of this station,” the Russian department added.

The Russian Defense Ministry stressed that the United States deliberately hushed up objective data on the strikes of a nuclear power plant, thereby encouraging the impunity of the Kyiv regime, which may be associated with the possible development of a nuclear catastrophe in Europe. The Russian Defense Ministry warned how the emergency situation at the Zaporizhzhya NPP could develop, as well as a map of possible consequences.

“In case of failure of standby diesel generators and mobile pumps, in case of an emergency, the core will overheat and the reactor plants at the largest nuclear power plant in Europe will be destroyed, with the release of radioactive substances into the atmosphere and carrying them hundreds of kilometers away. <…> Such an emergency situation will cause mass migration of the population and will have more catastrophic consequences than the impending gas energy crisis in Europe, which is confirmed by the forecast of a number of European specialized organizations”, the Russian Defense Ministry noted.

According to the forecast of Russian specialists, in the event of an accident at the Zaporizhzhya NPP, radioactive substances will inevitably cover Poland, Germany, and Slovakia.

The ultimate goal of the Ukrainian provocation planned for the next few days at the Zaporizhzhya NPP is to create an exclusion zone of up to 30 km, introduce international forces and foreign observers to the plant and accuse the Russian military of nuclear terrorism, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.

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