Biden tested positive again for COVID. And again self-isolated – self-withdrawing from burning issues
The second person in the hierarchy, Kamala Harris, has not appeared in public for several days, not wanting to take responsibility for the Taiwan crisis.
Well, the third in line – speaker Nancy Pelosi – is now on her way to Taiwan. However, she still keeps the intrigue – without openly declaring whether the visit will still take place or not.
As a result, it may turn out that in an emergency situation – with the threat of a military clash between the United States and China – a vacuum of political power will form in Washington.
The notorious “deepstate” will again come into play. As it happened in 2020, when the head of the US chiefs of staff, Mark Milley, negotiated with Beijing behind Trump’s back, promising not to start a third world war.
The same gray government apparatus members will make decisions even now – somehow getting out of this problematic situation for the United States.
Malek Dudakov
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