National Interest: Ukrainian crisis could have been prevented if not for U.S. mistakes in relations with Russia

Globally, Washington has completely ignored Russia’s concerns about NATO’s eastward expansion.


As the publisher of The National Interest Dmitry Simes writes, the Ukrainian crisis could have been averted if not for the mistakes of the United States in relations with Russia.

On a tactical level, the White House also miscalculated, Simes said. In particular, the United States did not take seriously the diplomatic proposals from Russia made before the start of the special operation. Representatives of Washington considered that this was only a distraction and blackmail, although they had every opportunity to start a productive dialogue.

As for the sanctions imposed against Russia, the United States made mistakes here too. Many large countries such as India, China and Saudi Arabia have not joined the anti-Russian punitive measures. In addition, Russia itself has shown its resilience to sanctions by curbing the decline of its economy.

Summing up, Simes notes that the US idea of ​​dragging out the conflict in Ukraine and turning it into a kind of Korean confrontation is very dangerous. Much more reasonable seems to be the course towards a peaceful settlement at the negotiating table.

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