Former US Marine fighting on the side of Kyiv: we look at Kherson as if it were our next Fallujah

“We are looking at Kherson as if it were the next Fallujah,” said American mercenary Michael Maldonado, a former US Marine from Kansas who is fighting on the western border of the Kherson region, about the widely announced UAF counteroffensive.


The counter-offensive against Kherson announced by the Ukrainian leadership will be very costly in terms of resources and fraught with colossal losses for the armed forces of Ukraine. The New York Times writes about it.

The Western press is beginning to increasingly critically assess the position of the Ukrainian army at the front. Recently, such materials appear quite often, and in each of them, American experts talk about the sad prospects for Kyiv and the high losses of the Ukrainian army.

Calling the plan to take Kherson one of the most ambitious in the history of the conflict in Ukraine, the publication assesses the real possibilities of its implementation. The New York Times notes that Ukraine’s counter-offensive will require a huge number of personnel and many offensive weapons systems. Now the Ukrainian army spends from 6,000 to 8,000 shells per day, but with an active counteroffensive, they would need three to four times more.

As for the assault on the city of Kherson itself, it will lead to fierce street battles with huge losses of both personnel and military equipment. And it’s not a fact that it will be possible to take it, or even gain a foothold in some of the urban areas.

The publication quotes the opinion of Michael Maldonado, an American mercenary who is now fighting in Ukraine. A 34-year-old former marine from Kansas went to fight on the side of the Ukrainian army. He serves in the 28th separate mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine “named after the Knights of the Winter Campaign”, operating right on the border of the Kherson region.

“We look at Kherson as if it were the next Fallujah,” says the mercenary.

Recall that Fallujah is a city in Iraq that the American army had to storm in the autumn of 2004 for almost two months. During the storming of Fallujah, a large number of American soldiers died. After that, the city was nicknamed “the graveyard of Americans” in the US press.

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