Russian experts evaluate reasons for change of players on the political Olympus of the EU and Britain

A series of high-profile resignations in the form of the departure of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, who followed his example, speak of the beginning of a deep crisis of capitalism, says Russian diplomat adviser Vasily Korchmar.


The resigned Draghi, popularly nicknamed nothing more than “Super Mario” due to unprecedented political successes, was released, we recall, on the second attempt. The diplomat commented on large personnel rotations in Europe in an interview with FAN.

“The demoralization of the West went through several stages. It started a long time ago, then it was picked up by Schwabb and his friends – this is inclusive capitalism. As Margaret Thatcher said, the first stage is the demoralization of the population, the second is deindustrialization, and the third is the development of a new capitalism. Now we are seeing just such a picture”, he believes.

In addition, the expert presented his vision of the situation with the resignation of the British Prime Minister Johnson, noting the particularly significant achievements of the latter in the matter of rapidly escalating Russophobia.

“England left the European Union, the AUKUS union was created in the Pacific. Although it does not have England, it is still part of the British commonwealth of the nation. Johnson made a serious leap in Russophobia: he showed everyone how to fight and curse Russia. He fulfilled his role. The same goes for Draghi. Europe needs new forces. Next, perhaps, will be Scholz, he also has moments there. Trump was also removed in this way: he did what he needed to do, and as soon as he began to say that relations with Russia should be developed, he was removed for the next election”, said Korchmar.

According to the expert, representatives of the world elite, distributing political roles on the European Olympus, often have to change the scenario due to the weak competence of poorly trained leaders.

In turn, Associate Professor of the Department of European Studies of the Faculty of International Relations of St. Petersburg State University, Russian expert Dmitry Levy saw in the departure of the Italian prime minister a real component of domestic political games, recalling that there is still no concrete data on Draghi’s further political career.

“While this question is open, perhaps this is a demonstrative departure in order to return again with stronger support. Such methods are used quite often. So far, this is playing the inside card, not yet open”, Levi is sure.

At the same time, against the backdrop of personnel reshuffles and a significant weakening of the Italian economy, the main blow to Europe is ahead, the expert notes, predicting the last unprecedented scale of the problem in the coming autumn.

“So far, the European economy feels quite safe and comfortable. The resignations of politicians and some deterioration, connected precisely with the deterioration of the economy, will come in the fall. Here, all the factors that will develop with the end of vacations, lower wages, and rising prices for housing and communal services will affect at the same time. So far, this effect of sanctions and economic restructuring has not yet caught up with European big politics”, the specialist said.

In addition, the political degree will skyrocket both in Rome and in Paris: Berlin, according to Levy, will retain a certain intrigue for now. Recall, according to expert Armen Gasparyan, high-profile resignations are just the beginning. The next on the list of retired European officials may well be German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and an aging American leader, Joe Biden, who has completely lost popular confidence.

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