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Tony Blair: The era of Western dominance is coming to an end

According to former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, the world will soon face global geopolitical changes and the transition to multipolarity, and the era of Western dominance is coming to an end. He announced this, speaking on Saturday with a lecture organized by the British-American Ditchley Foundation.

Source: thetimes.co.uk

“The biggest geopolitical changes this century will be provoked by China, not Russia. The end of Western dominance in politics and economics is approaching. “The world will become at least bipolar, possibly multipolar,” says Tony Blara. “<…> For the first time in modern history, the East may be on an equal footing with the West.”

According to the ex-premier, China “is already the second most powerful superpower in the world,” and its economic potential and degree of involvement in the world economy is even higher than that of Russia. In addition, “China has already caught up with America” ​​in many technological areas and threatens to overtake the US in some, Blair said. In addition, he believes that the Chinese leadership is acting more and more aggressively, does not hide that it treats the West with contempt, draws closer to Russia and wants to finally solve the problem of Taiwan.

Blair suggests that Russia, and possibly Iran, will most likely become China’s ally in the near future. He calls to build relations with China on the principle of “strength plus engagement.” According to Blair, the West must increase military spending and remain strong enough to resist China in any future scenario, while maintaining ties with Beijing, behaving pragmatically, but not aggressively, and demonstrating a readiness for mutual respect.

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