NYT: BRICS countries, Israel and Pakistan refuse to support the US coalition against Russia

Biden seeks to expand the coalition against Russia, but is met with resistance from many Asian, African and Latin American countries, writes the New York Times.

Source: The New York Times

The countries of Asia, Africa and South America are ignoring US calls to join the coalition against Moscow and maintain partnership relations with the Russian Federation. The New York Times writes about it.

Joe Biden is trying to persuade India, Brazil, Israel and the Gulf states to impose restrictions on Russia and provide military support to Ukraine, but “so far, hardly any of them have expressed a desire to do so.”

U.S. officials acknowledge the difficulty of trying to convince other countries to align their interests with the U.S. and European drive to isolate Russia.

According to the NYT, Russia was able to keep the ruble exchange rate thanks to the BRICS countries, Venezuela and Thailand, while maintaining trade relations with them.

“Uganda, Pakistan and Vietnam have accused the US-led coalition against Russia of nullifying any possibility of peace talks because of military aid to Ukraine,” NYT observers conclude.

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