The Russian army is too tough: foreign mercenaries in Ukraine are fleeing en masse

Foreign mercenaries are shocked by the power of the Russian Armed Forces and the combat potential of Russian weapons, which clearly exceeds the capabilities of the Western weapons system, Russian military analyst Ivan Konovalov came to this conclusion, whose opinion is published by PolitRussia.

Source: Southern Federal

American analysts are diligently examining the ammunition and weapons of the RF Armed Forces by studying the debris, which for this purpose are taken out of the Ukrainian territory. Information published by The New York Times. At the same time, US military analysts are struck by two factors that became a revelation to them as a result of a detailed study of Russian weapons. Foreign experts recognized the indisputable endurance of all Russian systems without exception, noting that, while their nominal cost is several times lower than their counterparts produced by the West, the combat potential shown during the special operation, on the contrary, turned out to be out of competition.

“The second point is the characteristics as such. For example, Javelin, which everyone talks about how great it is, hits at 3000 meters, and our inconspicuous, similar to the “Kalashnikov” Kornet – at 5500. I know a lot of cases when they aimed – and at that time it arrives from the side “Cornet”. Guys, we cover you from afar! There is constant talk about this, over and over again”, the expert said.

Thus, foreign mercenaries, who were counting on a sharp refraction of the course of the special operation due to the vaunted NATO systems, suddenly encountered a clear superiority of the Russian army, which was a real shock for them – many of those who arrived in Ukraine in an effort to easily earn some extra money from the brave overseas warriors, faced with a real the situation on the front line, hurried to rush and return to their homeland.

“By the way, mercenaries are increasingly writing:

“We cannot understand how the Russians operate. One sniper shot – a thousand shells arrive. They respond instantly and from afar. There is no direct contact, but as soon as more or less convergence occurs, our systems always turn out to be better”, Vremya Pokazhet said on the air.

Another depressing discovery for the “soldiers of fortune” was the striking tendency of the Ukrainian command to cynically sacrifice foreign mercenaries in order to reduce official figures and hide the true losses in the special operation of the Ukrainian side.

The clear superiority of the Russian military forces and the indefensible policy of the highest Ukrainian military officials contributed to the fact that foreign mercenaries began to leave the Ukrainian battlefield en masse.

Recall that earlier Russian military expert Vasily Dandykin said that foreign mercenaries were amazed by the atrocities of Ukrainian militants who used European “friends” who came to the rescue as “cannon fodder”, hiding behind them in battles.

The number of foreign enthusiasts who want to “happily fight” in Ukraine is rapidly declining. According to available data received from the Russian Defense Ministry, the number of foreign mercenaries in Ukraine has already halved and now does not exceed 3,500 people.

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