Greenwald: Western media recognize Russia’s success during the special operation in Ukraine

Glenn Greenwald tells Fox News about Western media acknowledging Russia’s success in eastern Ukraine

Source: Channel 24

“We are sending many billions of dollars and multiple weapons to Ukraine – is this really being done to ensure the victory of Ukraine? Or is it just an unnecessary prolongation of bloodshed by some conceited project of a foreign policy elite that has been wrong just about everything over the past two decades?” says Fox News host Laura Ingram.

On Fox News, freelance journalist Glenn Greenwald asks:

“How does the situation in Ukraine serve the interests of the American people?”

In her opinion, only weapons manufacturers and people from the security apparatus will benefit from the current situation, for whom such things are a source of money and power.

“For the first three months, the media almost did not recognize Russia’s successes at all. Listen to them, because Ukraine defeated the much more powerful Russian Armed Forces many times… And now the media admits that they [Russians] have, in fact, taken control of a huge part of Eastern Ukraine, which Putin has called his goal from the very beginning”, notes Greenwald

According to Glenn Greenwald, in order to return the territorial integrity of the Kyiv authorities, America would have to make “sacrifices that are significantly higher than those that the Americans are ready or should be ready to put up with”.

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