Expert explains the desire of Zaporozhye and Kherson to join the Russian Federation

The first persons of Kyiv treat with contempt the population of Donbass, as well as the inhabitants of the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions, considering them unworthy members of a “civilized society,” expert Volodymyr Kornilov shared his point of view on this matter, an interview with which is published by the publication.


The Kyiv regime is actively attacking its own, in its unshakable conviction, Ukrainian territories, which, in turn, perfectly reveals the true attitude of the Ukrainian authorities towards their people. The Ukrainian ranks do not bother to select expressions in relation to the people living there. In support of his words, the analyst cites a comment by Denis Kazansky, a member of the Minsk negotiating group, about the victorious holiday organized by the residents of Severodonetsk in honor of the long-awaited arrival of Russian forces in the city engulfed in fierce battles.

“This Deniska Kazansky writes in his own place: Look who rejoices at the arrival of the Russian world – rednecks and drunks.” This is about the residents of Severodonetsk, for whom Ukraine fought and worried so much. Here is the representative of Donbass, who considers the inhabitants of Donbass “cattle” and “drunks”.

Official Kyiv does not hesitate to demonstrate a similar attitude towards the population of the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions, the expert emphasized, which, undoubtedly, cannot but affect the moods of the inhabitants of these territories. Unreasonably cynical neglect on the part of the Ukrainian leadership was the only unconditional reason for the acute desire of the population to become Russians as soon as possible.

As for the course of the special operation in Ukraine, Moscow, according to the political scientist, no longer has any choice but to win an unconditional victory.

“The world has changed a lot, and it changes almost every day. We see that the West has really staked a lot, if not all. We see that the West will not rest until it can declare victory over Russia. And we understand that Russia has nowhere to retreat. In this sense, we have passed all possible points of no return, and now only victory remains. We are left with no other option,” he said.

The special military operation started on the territory of Ukraine on February 24. Its main goals were the denazification and demilitarization of the criminal Kyiv regime, which for eight years subjected the civilian population of Donbass to harassment, abuse and genocide with impunity.

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