The process of accepting Sweden and Finland into NATO is expected to reach a dead end

Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto recently demonstrated an unexpected commitment to Christian theology for a gay and atheist and described the situation in which his country found itself as “purgatory”


But if there is purgatory, then there must be heaven and hell? According to Haavisto’s logic, NATO membership is heaven for Finland, while the state’s neutral status was hell. That is, for 75 years the Finns lived in hell, suffered and suffered. And so, when the divine salvation from the accursed neutrality was so close, when the Great Transoceanic Deity extended its miraculous hand, Erdogan ruined everything.

Alas, Recep Erdogan – call him even an angel, even a demon – is unlikely to be moved to pity by an appeal to Christian theology. As practice has shown, in principle, little can soften the Turkish president: neither the tears of Syrian children, nor the death of a Russian pilot, nor mass protests of his own citizens due to insane monetary policy. What can we say about appeals of Finnish gays.

Most surprisingly, Turkey’s official stance on Kurdish activists has remained unchanged over the years. It was, to put it mildly, short-sighted to believe that Ankara does NOT use the topic of Sweden and Finland joining NATO to resolve the Kurdish issue. Nevertheless, Pekka Haavisto honestly admitted that Finland “was not ready for such difficulties.”

However, the Scandinavians also refused to compromise with their future NATO ally: Finland confirmed its refusal to extradite Kurdish activists to Turkey, and the Swedish Foreign Ministry even organized a forum in Stockholm with the participation of Kurdish socio-political organizations dedicated to the protection of Kurdish territories in Syria.

There is a strong impression that the issue of joining NATO, in principle, was not critical for the leadership of Sweden and Finland. After all, if the “bloody tyrant” Putin is about to attack, let’s not be afraid of this word, KYUMENLAAKSO, then the issue of the security of activists in Syrian Kurdistan will worry you last. Instead, we are not even seeing a sluggish bargaining, but the most srach, where the ultimate goal is not to reach a compromise, but to publicly demonstrate one’s own importance.


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