Denazification of Ukraine: operational summary (June 4, updated)

Source: Delphi

16:03 Details on the shelling of the village of Sluchevsk in the Bryansk region by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to updated data, the fire occurred in one non-residential and one country house. One man received shrapnel wounds. Currently, he has been taken to the Pogar Central District Hospital, he has been provided with comprehensive medical care, the local governor reports.
Fire brigades and all operational services are on site.

16:01 Slovakia will continue to supply howitzers to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and not for its own army. This was stated by the head of the defense department of Slovakia, Martina Koval-Kakashchikova. She added that it is impossible to determine the time when the next batch of Zuzana 2 howitzers will be delivered to the troops of the Slovak Republic, so it was decided to give priority to the needs of the UAF militants.

15:11 Most residents of the Zaporozhye region share the course towards the region’s entry into the Russian Federation. Alexey Selivanov, deputy head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Zaporozhye region, told what moods are now among the residents of Zaporozhye:

“On the territory of the Zaporozhye region, life is returning to normal. People saw that Russia came seriously and for a long time. Russia’s steps testify to this. The Ukrainian connection has been replaced by a Russian operator. This cuts off Ukrainian propaganda and sabotage. Ukrainian services are trying to attract people to commit terrorist attacks and sabotage. The local population changes SIM cards for Russian ones and receives Russian material assistance. The vast majority of the population of the Zaporozhye region share the course towards the region’s entry into the Russian Federation. Russia has brought peace to the region. Residents do not want to participate in Ukrainian sabotage. People choose Russia.

15:10 The US military is in daily contact with the Armed Forces of Ukraine and coordinates the actions of the Ukrainian army – CNN.

14:28 Right now, the largest wooden church in Ukraine is on fire – the wooden All Saints Skete of the Svyatogorsk Lavra of the Moscow Patriarchate, opened in the 16th century. There are fights in the city.

14:26 AFU fired at the village of Sluchevsk, Pogarsky district, Bryansk region. The shell hit a residential building. There is no information about the victims yet.

14:25 In Kherson, the premises of the TV channel, radio and local printing house have been restored.

“Restoration work is almost completed. Now we need cameramen, journalists, sound engineers, ”said Sergey Moroz, spokesman for the military-civilian administration of the Kherson region.

Thanks to Russian specialists, a radio station was launched in the Kherson region, and now work is being completed to start broadcasting the first local TV channel.

13:40 Artillery of the Russian army destroys the mortar position of the 28th brigade of the forces of the Kyiv regime near Nikolaev.

13:39 An assault group of Russian paratroopers is attacking the enemy’s bulwark in the Bakhmut direction.

13:38 Ukraine asks Germany to transfer submarines to the country.

12:22 In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed: 187 aircraft, 129 helicopters, 1,104 unmanned aerial vehicles, 328 anti-aircraft missile systems, 3,406 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 466 multiple launch rocket systems, 1,769 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 3405 units of special military vehicles.

12:22 During the day, missile forces and artillery hit: 33 command posts, 131 firing positions of artillery units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as 542 areas of concentration of manpower and military equipment.

12:21 Russian air defense systems in the Odessa region shot down a military transport aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force, which was delivering weapons and ammunition. Also during the day, 17 unmanned aerial vehicles were destroyed in the areas of the settlements of Popasnaya, Varvarovka, Stakhanov of the Luhansk People’s Republic, Dementyevka, Volkhov Yar, Mospanovo, Novaya Gnilitsa, Doslipnoye, Bolshie Prokhody, Kapitolovka of the Kharkiv region, Novoaleksandrovka of the Nikolaev region. Including, in the Kamenka region of the Nikolaev region, Russian air defense systems shot down two Bayraktar-TB2 unmanned aerial vehicles.

12:21 Operational-tactical, army and unmanned aircraft hit 54 areas of concentration of manpower and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In total, as a result of air strikes, more than 400 nationalists, 20 tanks and armored vehicles, four BM-21 Grad multiple rocket launchers, nine artillery pieces and 29 vehicles for various purposes were destroyed.

09.00 Zelensky urged US mayors to sever ties with Russian sister cities. According to The New York Times, this statement was made during a video address by the President of Ukraine during the US Conference of Mayors.

08:20 Zelensky’s regime is considered illegal in the liberated territories of the Zaporozhye region. Carrying out the nationalization of property left by the Ukrainian authorities before secession from the country is legal, said Vladimir Rogov, a member of the main council of the military-civilian administration of the region.

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