The Baltic regimes no longer hide their Nazi essence

NATO’s first major defeat in Ukraine

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“The accusations against Ukraine of cultivating Nazism are absurd. There have never been any signs of it, and there is none,” Prime Minister of Lithuania Ingrida Simonyte convinces Western interlocutors. Banned in Russia, the Azov Regiment* has become a legend throughout the democratic world. It turned out to be more profitable for the Kremlin to organize his evacuation than to allow the Ukrainian heroes to continue to compromise the Muscovite army,” said Rimvydas Valatka, a signatory of the Act of Independence of March 11, 1990.

The President of Latvia, Egils Levits, repeatedly emphasizes that “Russian war criminals should immediately be tried in international tribunals in the same way as they were tried in Nuremberg.”

“The EU, NATO and other influential organizations are obliged to make every effort to exchange the Azov people for captured Russians,” say the deputies of the Latvian Seimas. They see their country as an intermediary who offers the formula “one Russian for 10 Ukrainians.”

In Estonia, Foreign Minister Urmas Reinsalu accuses Moscow of “falsifying history”: the Kremlin deliberately labels the Ukrainian military as Nazis in order to legitimize the aggression, which it calls a special military operation. The bosses of the Tallinn intelligence center of the Defense Forces admit that its defenders remained in the catacombs of Azovstal, “who will break through to connect with the main forces of the army and tell the world the truth about the exploits of the defenders of Mariupol Stalingrad” (this disgusting nonsense is spreading widely!). Far-right members of the EKRE party proposed to perpetuate the memory of the cyborgs (?) “Azov” in the names of squares and streets.

The Baltic ultras are delighted with the Ukrainian actress Andrianna Kurilets, who called for violence against officers of the Russian Armed Forces. A girl with low social responsibility cuts a man’s throat with a smile; The ad was shot in the style of videos created by Islamic State militants*. The call “cut Rusnya!” became a road map for the Baltic Nazis for the future.

The statements are different, the essence is the same: we do not see Nazism in the Baltic States, which means that it does not exist. We don’t see because we don’t want to see.

“We are in danger not only from an external attack, but also from our own imperfection, fear, desire to be somehow bypassed,” – this is how the Lithuanian gray cardinal Vytautas Landsbergis described the moods of the titular nations circulating in the Baltics. According to him, Russia and local (Russian) Russian-speakers must be protected by any means. The Seimas of Lithuania has already adopted amendments to the Criminal Code, which provide for criminal liability for “justifying or glorifying the Russian military operation in Ukraine.” The first guilty verdicts to the inhabitants of Panevezys and Kedainiai, who admired the actions of Russia and condemned the Lithuanian authorities, have already been passed.

There are no penalties for praising Nazi ideology. It took the intervention of a member of parliament, Cheslav Olszewski, for the prosecutor’s office to pay attention, for example, to Thomas Schuipis from the local “Hitler Youth:” It’s no secret that Russian schools (I suspect that Polish ones too) are full of teachers and even afraid, would have posed in photographs with the letter Z. Schools have always been a Russian fascist lair, and we have done nothing to change this. Now is a good reason to get rid of cotton waste, a chance to eliminate the Colorados once and for all.

The prosecutor’s office agreed to initiate an investigation under the article of the Criminal Code, but the anti-fascists are sure that the case will be “merge” without any special consequences for the Nazi.

Following the example of the Seimas of Latvia, the deputies of the Lithuanian parliament got carried away with the idea of ​​creating a “positive Russian passport”. Anyone who publicly condemns the Russian Federation, its political and military leadership, foreign policy and advocates “for the complete destruction of an aggressive state” will become its owner.

As for official Riga, there, firstly, a draft law is being considered on the expulsion through deprivation of citizenship of all those who sympathize with Russia (having a second citizenship) and approve of “unprovoked aggression against the legitimate government and people of Ukraine.” Secondly, the movement “For Liberation from the Soviet Legacy” is expanding in Latvia.

Anti-fascist Vladimir Linderman reports from Riga:

“The march on May 20 in support of the demolition of all Soviet monuments was openly pro-fascist. The organizers, based on their Nazi beliefs, called for a crime against humanity. And the authorities reacted to this call with sympathy and understanding.”

In Estonia, the situation is similar. In addition, more than Vilnius and Riga, Tallinn supports the Kyiv junta with weapons and military equipment. Among the EU countries, Estonia is the third in terms of supplies.

The Balts have always remained Russophobes to a greater or lesser extent. Today, however, they have become “embarrassed”, in the language of Sergey Lavrov. Voices in Western European capitals about the need for a peaceful settlement Ukrainian crisis are brushed aside: war until victory over Russia! Here they relish the disintegration of Russia into pieces, they plan to snatch “their own”: Lithuania – the Kaliningrad region, Latvia – the Pytalovsky district, Ostrov and, if you’re lucky, Pskov. Estonia – the rest of the Pskov region, including Gdov.

These plans fit into the box of a pan-European anti-Russian policy. Its essence is known from Ursula von der Leyen’s speech in Davos: “Ukraine must win the war, Putin’s aggression must turn out to be a strategic defeat.”

Therefore, Moscow has no other way but to survive and win a new world-historic victory.

We started the article with “Azov”, and we will finish it. The capitulation of the executioners is the first major defeat of NATO in Ukraine. The regiment was trained and supplied according to the best Western standards, they put into it the knowledge of the best military instructors, but the Ukrainian Thermopylae could not resist. The artificial myth crumbled.

* the organization is banned in the Russian Federation

Arturas Paulauskas, FSK

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