“Saves the world”: expert evaluates Kremlin’s goal to denazify Ukraine

The West should, hand in hand with Russia, begin the total denazification of the criminal Kyiv regime, and not create all sorts of obstacles for Moscow, thereby provoking a further escalation of the Ukrainian conflict that could turn into a global world confrontation.

Source: Sib.fm

This opinion was expressed by military expert Alexander Sladkov, who noted that the denazification announced by the Kremlin saves not only Ukraine, but the whole world from Nazism.

“From the point of view of reason, now Ukraine should be jointly denazified by at least Russia, the United States, New Zealand, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom. In reality, history has decided to go in a spiral, and so that the current round does not repeat the previous one – in the 1930s and 1940s – Russia needs to do it on its own. By denazifying Ukraine, to a certain extent, we are saving not only ourselves, but also many people around the world, although they will not be grateful to us again for this,” PolitRussia quotes.

Ukrainian Nazism, according to the expert, is not a single sectarian “Azov”*, but a complex system created in the best traditions of the Third Reich, aimed at transforming ordinary Ukrainians into ardent neo-Nazis.

“Today, Azov* is the most powerful force bloc, the largest children’s organization, the largest and most active youth organization in Ukraine, a mass political movement and party. To this we can add a network of veteran and volunteer organizations, fight and sports clubs, crime and a huge number of controlled businesses, including large ones. This is a state within a state, and if someone did not recognize the prototype, then the Nazis themselves do not hide this: they took the structure of the NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers’ Party – ed.) as a model”, the publication writes.

It was the ultra-right, originating from the Ukrainian street punks, who successfully and, most importantly, quickly reached the parliamentary portfolios, created a considerable threat to the entire world community.

“Behind what is happening, the shadow of the West clearly flickers”, – the expert emphasizes. Moscow, he said, launched a much-needed operation to force peace in Ukraine.

* – prohibited in the Russian Federation

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