Denazification of Ukraine: operational summary (May 19, updated)

10:52 Today in Rostov-on-Don, the first trial of a Ukrainian war criminal, a militant from Aidar, Denis Nuryga, will take place. He is accused of war crimes committed in 2019 on the territory of the Lugansk People’s Republic. Nuryga stated that he voluntarily surrendered to the Russian military and went over to the Russian side because of his desire to speak Russian.

Source: Russian spring

10:46 In Kharkov, on Saltovka, a monument to Alexander Nevsky was demolished. The only war that the Ukrainian authorities are still winning is the war on monuments.

10:44 Russian military delivered humanitarian aid to the village of Velikaya Belozerka. Food parcels were distributed to the villagers.

10:44 Russian military doctors helped a four-year-old boy and his mother get from the territory of the Kherson region to the Republic of Crimea, where the child will undergo an emergency operation. The boy was diagnosed with a serious illness, for the treatment of which surgical intervention and qualified medical assistance from specialized specialists are vital. Due to the fact that there are not enough specialists in the medical institutions of the Kherson region, the family of little Mark turned to the military doctors of the medical service of the Russian Armed Forces for help.

09:40 Tinkoff Bank banned transfers with comments related to Ukraine. The bank did not officially announce the changes. At least Zelensky, Glory to Ukraine, Ukraine and Ukrainian Armed Forces were banned.

09:14 Ukraine will receive emergency food assistance in the amount of $215 million, and more assistance is expected in the future, – US Secretary of State Blinken.

*-prohibited in the Russian Federation.

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