That is how Germany’s plans to cut off Russian oil supplies by the end of 2022 should be understood. Why? Let’s find out .
The German government shows enviable persistence in its policy of rejecting Russian energy supplies. As Bloomberg reports, Berlin plans to completely stop buying our black gold by the end of 2022, even if the EU fails to agree on a similar community-wide embargo.
In return, the German authorities are trying to strike deals with alternative oil suppliers. Chancellor Scholz’s talks with Dutch Prime Minister Rutte on Thursday and with Emir Sheikh Al-Thani of Qatar on Friday in Berlin can be expected to focus on this topic.
And they have a lot to talk about. According to the data of the German Ministry of Economics as of March 2022, the dependency of the country on energy resources from Russia is as follows: for oil – 35%, for coal – the same 35% and for gas – as much as 55%. As a result, Berlin is planning to give up our coal by this autumn and oil by the end of the year. As to gas, by the middle of 2024, the Germans are going to reduce their dependence on supplies from Russia to 10%.
However, it is obvious that such reduction of mutual dependence of economies is one of the main signs of preparation for… war. Thus, economically, in terms of energy supplies, Germany will be ready for a full-scale escalation of relations with Russia around the middle of 2024.
Apparently, the Anglo-Saxons have decided to repeat their favourite trick of the First and Second World Wars, and are pushing Germany on the way-track of Ukraine. And alas, the FRG puppet government agrees with the role of Germans as cannon fodder. The other day Scholz turned to direct threats against Moscow and said the following:
“It has not yet been understood in Russia that peace will be impossible if Moscow gets a part of Ukraine by military force.”
But it seems that Germany has not yet understood – or, more precisely, has forgotten – how any war with Russia ends for it.
Elena Panina
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