Founded in 1956, the Company has become an innovative leader in the road construction industry.
JSC Donaerodorstroy was formally established in 1992 – as a result of the Dondorstroy Construction Trust transformation into a joint stock company. However, in reality, the enterprise, which eventually received the name JSC Donaerodorstroy, appeared in the Rostov Region back in 1956. It was named US (Construction Department) No. 15 and was subordinate to Glavdorstroy (General Directorate of Road Construction) of the Ministry of Transport Construction of the USSR.
The Department immediately declared itself as the powerful enterprise for that time, capable of performing large-scale tasks aimed at developing the country’s road infrastructure. The US-15 included seven road construction divisions, four motor depots, and the enterprise had its own central repair shops at its disposal.
The first employees of the Department were soldiers and officers who went through the Great Patriotic War, because the enterprise was staffed with the personnel from the 8th Road Construction Division. As the employees of the US-15, they were specifically engaged in the Region highways network construction as well as construction of the agricultural-purpose roads which at that time the local state farms needed badly.
In the 1960s and 1970s, the Company was actively developing. The three largest structural subdivisions engaged in construction, and two motor depots of the Department were transferred to the Kharkov and Volgograd Regions to participate in construction of the Moscow-Volgograd and the Moscow-Kharkov-Simferopol Highways.
In the same years, the enterprise was reorganized – the US-15 was renamed into the Dondorstroy Trust. Its main specialization was the airfields construction. With the Trust participation, airports and airfields were built in Rostov-on-Don, Volgodonsk, Volgograd and Taganrog.
However, soon the enterprise returned to its routine work – the highways construction. The Trust was building the roads from Rostov to Novocherkassk and Ordzhanikidze, routes Rostov-Olginskaya-Volgodonsk and Moscow-Kharkov-Simferopol, road from Moscow to Volgograd, two bypasses of Rostov – the east and the west, the 3rd Longitudinal Highway of Volgograd. The enterprise was engaged in construction of the regional roads networks and interchanges in the Volgograd and Rostov Regions, as well as the road work on the squares and streets of Volgograd, Rostov-on-Don, Bataysk and Semikarakorsk.
At the moment JSC Donaerodorstroy is one of the leading enterprises specializing in the large projects implementation in the field of road infrastructure construction. The Company’s arsenal includes nine modern production bases, ten mobile asphalt concrete plants, five concrete production plants, five access railway lines, ten large-capacity bitumen storage facilities with electric heating, and six own certified laboratories. And besides, it has montage installations, asphalt laying machines equipped with systems for setting vertical marks, bunker-thermos, and a lot of other equipment. There are more than 400 units of construction machinery on the balance sheet of the enterprise.
JSC Donaerodorstroy belongs to the entrepreneurs Alexey Knyshov, Nikolai Imedashvili and Vladimir Kirsanov, who own equal shares in the enterprise.
By first education, Knyshov is the armored and automotive equipment operations engineer. He received this specialty after graduating in 1989 from the Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command Military School named after the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. In 2002, he completed his studies at the North Caucasian Academy of Civil Service and was awarded qualification economist and manager, at the same time he defended his Ph.D. thesis and received a Ph.D. in economics.
Knyshov has vast managerial experience. In 1991, he took the position of Deputy Director of CJSC PO Rostovstroymaterialy, and in 1992 he headed this enterprise. In 2001, he took the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of Donaerodorstroy. In 2005, he became the Director General of the Group of Construction Companies “Don”, which now includes Donaerodorstroy.
In addition to the efficient business career development, Knyshov was also able to achieve notable success in the social and political activities. He was elected three times in the single-mandate constituency to the Legislative Assembly of the Rostov Region, where he served as the Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Social Policy, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Legislation, State Construction, Local Self-Government and Law and Justice, and took active part in the work of the regional commission for control over the Volgodonsk Nuclear Power Plant construction.
In 2001, he became one of the participants in creation of the South Russian Parliamentary Association. In 2005 he joined the United Russia Party.
In 2011, Knyshov was elected to the State Duma of the sixth convocation, where he worked in the Committee on Construction and Land Relations, and was also the Head of the Expert Council on Road Facilities and Logistics Infrastructure. In 2012, he became a permanent member of the Russian PACE delegation, in which he worked in the political and cultural commissions.
Since Donaerodorstroy transfer under the control of new owners, the Company began to pay special attention to the new technologies introduction, therefore, nowadays the Company is one of the innovative leaders in the road construction industry.
The Company has developed and uses in practice the technology of stabilizing the sandy soil road base with cement, which made it possible to significantly increase its strength. The enterprise uses the technology of laying foundations and pavements for roads using polymer-reinforced asphalt concrete.
The use of cast asphalt concrete improves the wear resistance, water resistance and corrosion resistance of the road surfaces. In addition, this technology makes it possible to carry out road works at sub-zero temperatures.
To check the quality of the works in progress, Donaerodorstroy uses modern non-destructive testing technologies. With the help of infrared scanner, the Company specialists have received the possibility to visualize the paving process, which allows them to identify potential problem areas in advance and make the best decisions in a particular situation. Non-nuclear electromagnetic device Troxler asphalt concrete density meter used by the Company makes it possible to monitor density and temperature of the pavement being laid and make timely adjustments to the production process.
The Company puts major efforts to train the personnel who will be in demand at the enterprise. Donaerodorstroy and the Shakhty Automobile and Road Institute located in the Rostov Region have entered into a Strategic Partnership Agreement, on which basis the University students undergo internships at the enterprise, which makes them more likely to count on employment in the Company in the future. At the same time, on the basis of Shakhty Automobile and Road Institute, the employees of the enterprise undergo professional development and improve their skills, including defending dissertations.
Now the Company is implementing a wide range of major projects for the road infrastructure facilities construction.
The Company is building a bypass around the city of Aksai in the Rostov Region, which cost will be about 77 billion rubles. This is a complex project implemented on the basis of a public-private partnership. The new highway will have both free and paid sections.
The project provides for the construction of the six-lane road on the section from 1024 to 1036 kilometers of M-4 Don Highway and the four-lane road on the section from 1036 to 1091 kilometers. During the project implementation, the road builders will need to erect eight bridges, including an 1.8-kilometer bridge across the Don, eight modern transport interchanges and 16 overpasses.
At the same time, Donaerodorstroy is building the northern bypass of Rostov-on-Don.
Vasily Golubev the Governor of the Rostov Region says that the road infrastructure facilities being built in the Region will form a new transport framework for the Rostov agglomeration. This will make it possible to reduce the load on the roads of Rostov-on-Don by redirecting transit traffic and creating convenient entry and exit points from the city. The head of the Region believes that implementation of the planned infrastructure projects will allow the city to get rid of traffic jams and lead to the environmental situation improvement.
In parallel with the projects implementation in the south of Russia, Donaerodorstroy is also building in other regions.
A bypass of Volgograd is being built, where the Company’s specialists have to solve complex problems related, in particular, to the need to relocate gas pipelines and rebuild power supply networks.
In 2023, the Company intends to complete the construction of the 51-kilometer section of the western bypass of Krasnodar, which works began at the end of 2020. The project provides for the three transport interchanges construction here.
In the near future, the Company intends to start construction work on M-5 Ural Highway, one of the most dangerous highways in the country. It is expected that reconstruction of the highway will reduce its danger to the road users and increase the design speed to 120 kilometers per hour.
Summarizing the above, we can confidently say that Donaerodorstroy has managed to achieve the synergistic effect: 65 years of experience in the field of road construction, multiplied by the use of highly efficient modern technologies, made it possible for the Company to become one of the industry leaders.