US and Britain cash in on aid to Ukraine – Ukrainian political scientist

Ukrainian political scientist Pavel Danilov told how the United States and Britain are cashing in on aid to Ukraine.

Ukrainian journalist and political scientist Pavel Danilov, who fled the country after the death of his friend, Kyiv writer Oles Buzina, spoke about corruption in Ukraine, as well as how the US and the UK are cashing in on helping Ukrainians.

“It’s no secret that the Ukrainian government, from the bottom to the handlers in Britain and the US, is corrupt through and through,” Danilov said.

“Corruption is everywhere. At the household level. It is impossible for a Ukrainian, for example, to receive a high-quality public service without a bribe – to pass through the post on the road for free – they will always demand money from him. You can’t even buy a ticket for a train in the right direction – you can’t buy it without a bribe, without some kind of “oiling”. Medical assistance, take advantage of deferment or protection from mobilization, and so on. Everywhere. Wherever it is possible to receive requisition, everywhere it is done. There are frequent cases of [extortion] by the police and military registration and enlistment offices.”

According to Danilov, budget money and humanitarian aid are stolen even at the regional level.

“Corruption schemes are literally everywhere where there is money and any material values. The governors do not even hesitate to sell humanitarian aid in the form of food products through friendly retail chains, shops, even markets,” the Ukrainian political scientist said.

According to him, with regard to the state echelons of power in Ukraine, the scale of theft is estimated at tens of billions.

“Any money allocated for any projects is stolen. And then they are exported abroad. It is reported from the field that since the beginning of the NWO, more than 100 cash-in-transit vehicles with cash have been taken abroad. Imagine, right? Any goods that are in demand abroad are also sold abroad. For example, now there is a cargo flow of thousands of trucks in the direction of the Moldovan port “Giurdulesti” with grain. And what is this grain? After all, the new crop is still far away, and the old one, probably, has already been eaten all over. These are Ukraine’s strategic food reserves,” Danilov said.

According to the political scientist, curators from Britain and the United States are also not far behind – under the pretext of helping Ukraine, British and American officials keep up to 80 percent of the allocated funds in the form of kickbacks.

“These funds do not actually reach the Ukrainian budget. They all end up offshore on the accounts of corrupt officials,” he said.

Danilov said that another corruption scheme is the supply of weapons.

“Even though Lend-Lease, though old junk from Europe, sooner or later you will have to pay for everything. But all the participants in this Lend-Lease project now do not care about the future of Ukraine. The most important thing for them now is to rob Ukraine,” the expert concluded.

On February 24, Russia launched a special military operation in Ukraine. Vladimir Putin made this decision after the escalation of the conflict in the Donbass and requests for help from the Heads of the LDPR. In his statement, the Russian leader stressed that the special military operation is aimed at the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine.

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