LDPR military summary: situation on contact line (May 8, updated)

11:03 Shelling from the side of the Ukrainian Armed Forces was recorded in the following directions:

Source: Gazeta.RU

settlement Novgorodskoye – settlement Gorlovka (settlement of sh-you named after Gagarin): 7 shells of 122 mm caliber were fired;

settlement Novgorodskoye – settlement Gorlovka (microdistrict “Builders”): 8 shells of 122 mm caliber were fired.

10:48 As a result of the barbaric shelling of the Gorlovsky village of the Gagarin mine, the building of kindergarten No. 51 was damaged by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Fortunately, no casualties. Once again, one can be convinced that Ukrainian nationalists are fighting against the civilian population of Donbass, against children. War criminals will suffer their well-deserved punishment – Prikhodko.

10:47 Ukrainian Armed Forces attacked the street. Worsted, on the border of the Kirovsky and Petrovsky districts of Donetsk, a civilian born in 1974 died.

10:15 For all the time, 182 people were evacuated from the territory of the Azovstal plant in Mariupol. This was reported at the headquarters of the territorial defense of the DPR.

10:12 445 people were evacuated from Mariupol to Bezymennoe per day, including 67 children – the headquarters of the DPR’s territorial defense.

10:10 Statement by the official representative of the NM of the LPR, Captain Filiponenko I.M. according to the situation as of 05/08/2022. During the clashes with units of the defense department, over the past day, the enemy suffered losses in manpower and military equipment, namely:

➖6 personnel;
➖1 armored personnel carrier;
➖2 vehicles.
➖2 servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine made the right decision, laid down their arms and thus saved their lives.

10:07 Javelin is useless in urban battles, constantly “something interferes”, follows from the testimony of the captured commander of the 36th Marine Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Colonel Vladimir Baranyuk, the video of which was filmed in one of the settlements of the DPR.

09:40 Shelling was recorded from the side of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the direction: n.p. Leninskoye – n.p. Gorlovka (settlement sh-you named after Gagarin): heavy machine guns were used.

09:36 Ukrainian Armed Forces attack Horlivka again. Explosions of Ukrainian shells are recorded in the fields near the Galaktika shopping center, which is in the Stroitel residential area. Residents of this housing estate are kindly requested to be extremely careful and limit movement along the streets as much as possible.

09:34 Russia and Ukraine announced the completion of the evacuation of civilians from the Azovstal plant. According to the DPR, a total of 176 civilians were withdrawn, in Kyiv they say that more than 300.

09:30 Shelling was recorded from the side of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the direction: settlement Novgorodskoye – settlement Zheleznaya Balka: 8 LNG grenades and 29 AGS grenades fired.

09:20 Armed formations of Ukraine struck in the direction: N of the item. Novgorodskoye – settlement Gorlovka: 8 shells of 122 mm caliber were fired.

09:10 Shelling was recorded from the side of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the direction: settlement Novgorodskoye – settlement Iron Beam: fired 40 mines in 120 mm caliber.

08:57 Ukrainian Armed Forces fired from the settlement Novomikhailovka – n.p. Lugansk: fired 10 mines with a caliber of 120 mm and 12 mines with a caliber of 82 mm, fired 8 LNG grenades.

08:45 Our military in Popasna, the Armed Forces of Ukraine went to Bakhmut. Now the troops of Russia and the LPR will go to Lisichansk, where the Armed Forces of Ukraine are, encircling the group located there. Yesterday was a very successful day. Glory to the Russian army and the LPR militia.

08:40 Shelling from the Ukrainian Armed Forces was recorded in the following directions:

settlement Metalworker – settlement Golmovsky: fired 5 mines in 120 mm caliber;

settlement Sands – Donetsk: 20 missiles were fired from the BM-21 Grad.

08:00 Shelling from the side of the Ukrainian Armed Forces was recorded in the following directions:

settlement Krasnogorovka – Donetsk (Petrovsky district): 4 shells of 122 mm caliber were fired.

settlement Novoluganskoye – settlement Golmovsky: 8 shells of 122 mm caliber were fired.

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