NATO is skilfully “turning the tables”. The alliance says Russia is engaging in threatening nuclear rhetoric

NATO head Stoltenberg said the Russian leadership has threatening nuclear rhetoric.

NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg said the West hears threatening nuclear rhetoric from Russia’s leadership, but he saw no signs of increased readiness of Russian nuclear forces.

“No, we don’t see signs of that,” he said, when asked if there was a heightened readiness of the force.”

“We hear threatening nuclear rhetoric from the Russian leadership. It is irresponsible and ruthless. A nuclear war cannot be won and it cannot be fought, this applies to Russia as well”, – the secretary-general said, adding that since 24 February, NATO – “has been unable to establish a change in Russia’s nuclear strategy”.

However, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov earlier said Russia was not threatening anyone with a nuclear war and it was the West that started talks about it. He added that Russia had never stopped its efforts to avoid a nuclear war. According to him, Russia does not consider itself in a state of war with NATO, such a development would increase the risks of a nuclear war, which should not be allowed.

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