“Unshakable Fortitude”: U.S. surprised by India’s refusal to participate in anti-Russian sanctions

The inflexible position of New Delhi, demonstrating a categorical refusal to adhere to anti-Russian economic restrictions, caused a considerable amount of bewilderment from the United States, Asia Times reports.

Source: IA “Regnum”

India’s unshakable steadfastness in its unwillingness to follow the anti-Russian course persistently imposed on the world by the West clearly reveals the country’s tendency to strengthen ties with China and Russia, the author of the publication is convinced.

The Ukrainian crisis turned out to be unable to shake the Indian balance and force the country to put an end to the strong allied and friendly bridges that have been built with Moscow for decades.

India not only refused to support anti-Russian economic sanctions, but, moreover, continued to strengthen strategic partnerships with the Russian Federation. In particular, the countries have begun to jointly develop a settlement scheme in national currencies, designed to act as an alternative to the SWIFT platform.

The United States, according to the publicist, in the current situation can only blame its own short-sighted agenda.

In turn, India received a unique opportunity to see with disappointment the fragility of cheap American friendship, which can crumble like a house of cards at the most unexpected moment.

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