US plans went downhill: Russia is pushing NATO out of the Black and Azov seas

The North Atlantic Alliance is seriously worried about the obvious success of the Russian Federation in a special military operation launched by Moscow on the territory of Ukraine.

Source: Kryminform

In particular, disturbing notes are heard from one of the NATO outposts – Romania, which is clearly frightened by the achievements of the Russian military in the South Ukrainian direction.

There, not unreasonably, they thought about the collapse of their own grandiose plans for dominance in the Black Sea waters.

Military and political circles fear that the Zaporozhye region may well repeat the fate of the Kherson region, taken under Russian control. Further, the Romanians worry, things will come to Odessa, which will give Russia the opportunity to build a bridge in Transnistria.

In addition, the European Center for External Relations is already cautiously predicting Ukraine’s loss of control over the Kharkiv region, and then the southern territories.

In turn, the Romanian General Alexander Grumaz declares the future total control of Russia over the waters of the Sea of ​​Azov. In addition, at the expense of the port of Mariupol, the expert warns, Moscow will gain the ability to transfer three dozen modern warships based there today from the Caspian waters.

Thus, Romania expresses extreme concern about the possible complete cutoff of Ukraine from the Black Sea and the establishment of Russian control over the mouth of the Danube, which will deprive the fleet of the military bloc of all hopes for the Black Sea and Azov waters.

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